This prayer was used during one of the prayer services during the Imago Dei Assembly in Dayton, OH - it was one of the many offerings that has continued to inspire me.
As we continue to process and understand the Instrumentum Laboris for this next Synod session, may we all be as a bridge, continuing to work and strive for a Church focused on inclusion, justice, and love.
Bridge Prayer
Sister Bernice Kiper, Sisters of Providence of Saint-Mary-of-the-Woods
O God, it is hard sometimes to believe
that you are really present in this world of ours.
But I do believe it, Loving God!
Please help me live my life in such a way
that it will be easier for others to recognize you.
When I find doubt,
help me bring a little light.
Where I find discouragement,
let me be a ray of hope in the darkness.
to those who feel estranged and alienated
from you and your church,
let me be as a bridge.
When I meet those
who have been hurt or misunderstood,
help me leave only the imprint
of your healing love and compassion.
God of all, wherever I go
and to whomsoever I meet,
help me be an instrument of your peace.