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Muskrat Creek Bridge near the west end of the Conover-Phelps Trail.

Dear GHT supporters, donors and volunteers,

We hope this email finds you well and in good spirits. Though the current health crisis may be far from over, we wanted you to know that we are continuing our trail work and making good progress.

We are preparing for the time when it will be safe to get back outside to enjoy, care for and complete the Conover-Phelps Trail. Despite the coronavirus, we think we are seeing a path forward to finishing the last two miles of the trail this summer, and we're putting together the details of the Homestretch Campaign now.

We are also continuing to lay the groundwork for development of the River Trail which will connect Eagle River to St. Germain and add 10 miles to the 60-mile Heart of Vilas Trail System.

Our project teams have been meeting remotely, and we've been doing other important things while sheltering in place: working by phone with our engineer at MSA Professional Services, with the US Forest Service district ranger, with DNR and DOT officials, and with the supervisors on the River Trail Commission. We are also working with the towns of Phelps and Cloverland as we apply for important state and federal grants. 

We appreciate conversations we have had with some of you recently about our welfare and our work. We're happy to talk about anything related to the trails that you have been helping to get built, so call or write any time.

And, please, stay safe. 

Best regards from all of us at GHT,

Jeff Currie, Executive Director

GHT Officers and Directors
Tim Wright, president, Barb Helmick, vice-president, Mark Olson, treasurer, Mike Robillard, secretary, Neal Adams, Rollie Alger, Debbie Magee, Gary Meister, and Amy Young

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Great Headwaters Trails

PO Box 609
Eagle River, WI 54521



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