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Issue #36

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This common medication can cause behavioural problems in children if taken during pregnancy


A new study has linked paracetamol intake during pregnancy with potential behavioural and cognitive problems during childhood. Paracetamol, a common painkiller, which is deemed safe to take during pregnancy, has been associated with potentially adverse behavioural and cognitive outcomes such as hyperactivity and attention deficiency in childhood.

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Vaginal birth and caesarean: Differences in babies' bacteria


Babies born by caesarean section have dramatically different gut bacteria to those born vaginally, according to the largest study in the field. The UK scientists say these early encounters with microbes may act as a "thermostat" for the immune system. And they may help explain why caesarean babies are more likely to have some health problems later in life.

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Five Ways to Conquer Fear of Birth


Today, in the United States, the most prevalent, widespread emotion surrounding labour and birth is fear. There are decades of history and cultural influences that have brought us to this reaction when we see or talk about giving birth to a baby. Consider the last movie or television show you saw that featured a birth. Odds are that it included a dramatic complication and a panicked set of parents, or at the very least, an explosion of amniotic fluid in a very public place followed immediately by the mother doubled over in extreme pain, having instantaneously and without warning been immediately launched into hard labour. The historical, cultural and societal influences that have led to an overwhelming fear surrounding childbirth are not easily countered, but there are a few things that a mother-to-be can do to help her overcome fear in childbirth.

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Skin to Skin

Attachment Parenting: Being Responsive


Attachment parenting is not permissive parenting. It is not about abdicating authority as a parent, but rather, it’s about responding to the legitimate biological needs of a baby. It is firmly based in the sciences of anthropology and psychology and specifically on the theory of attachment.

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Brought to you by the SACLC

Breastfeeding Aversion and Agitation


BAA or “aversion” is a phenomenon that some breastfeeding mothers experience and includes having particular negative feelings, often coupled with intrusive thoughts when an infant is latched and suckling at the breast.

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‘No-one asks new dads how they’re feeling at work’


Dave Edwards says his son was born screaming and didn't stop for 12 months. It was a tough introduction to parenting for the 33-year-old who spent those early days at home on paternity leave. Severely sleep deprived, he returned to his job in human resources five weeks after the birth. "I was in a fairly frequent state of worry, worry about my partner at home with a screaming baby. I had a job to do that was quite stressful," the Brisbane, Australia-based father says. A few months later he felt the full grip of anxiety and depression take hold.

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Music Is for Everyone!


Meghan, a mom of twins, watches professional soccer matches on weekends with her children. Afterwards, she often grabs a ball and takes the family to the park to play the game. “I’m inspired to run around and kick the ball after watching the pros have at it,” she says. But after Meghan and her family watch The Voice, she doesn’t leap up and belt out a song. “I see those incredible singers and I think, ‘I could never do what they do.’” Meghan is not alone. Most of us see music as something reserved for a talented few and choose to be music-watchers rather than music-makers. In reality, we are all born with the raw materials to sing and dance, just like we are wired to learn to speak and run.

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