As the Christmas break approaches and we all look forward to a bit of well-earned downtime, I wanted to share a story that feels particularly special. Just one year ago, 18-year-old Sienna faced an overwhelming mix of challenges: seizures, violent outbursts, constant pain, and relentless anxiety. It was a tough road for her and her family.
Fast forward to today, and the change in Sienna is truly inspiring. She’s calmer and happier, and many of the symptoms that once ruled her life have either eased significantly or disappeared. Haley, one of our practitioners at Brainstorm Health, guided Sienna through a carefully tailored program that tackled the root causes of her struggles, from poor gut health and hormonal imbalances to blood sugar dysregulation and histamine overload. Step by step, with the support of medical professionals, Sienna’s body began to find its balance.
But what really stands out is the love and dedication of Sienna’s family. Supporting a child with complex health needs is no small task. It takes resilience, patience, and a huge amount of strength, and I want you to know how much we recognise and celebrate everything you do. As we reflect on the year and head into Christmas, I want to thank all of you, our Brainstorm Health families and followers, for letting us be part of your journey.
Wishing you a peaceful, restorative, and joyful Christmas. Here’s to even more incredible stories in 2025!
Stella Chadwick, BSc (Hons) mBANT CNHC
Founder, Functional Medicine Practitioner & Registered Nutritional Therapist
Case Study: Sienna's story - overcoming seizures, anxiety and gastric pain |
18-year-old Sienna came to Brainstorm Health with multiple medical diagnoses and an array of debilitating physical, behavioural and psychological symptoms that had robbed her of her quality of life, to the point that she rarely left the house. She suffered from seizures and tics, severe anxiety, gastric issues, allergies and infections. Sienna was barely sleeping and her Mum was also exhausted and desperate to help her daughter.
Brainstorm Health Practitioner Haley carried out thorough clinical investigations to piece together the complex puzzle that underpinned Sienna’s health challenges, and over time supported her with dietary change and targeted nutritional support to bring her body back into balance and relieve many of her awful symptoms.
Hi Haley. Tell me a bit about your patient and the symptoms they first came to you with
Sienna, now aged 18, came to Brainstorm Health in September 2023 with a long list of debilitating symptoms: severe mood and behavioural problems, multiple daily catamenial seizures (linked to her menstrual cycle), recurring infections, severe allergies, OCD, tics, head pain, eye pain, high levels of anxiety, panic and fear, constipation, along with gastric pains and acid reflux.
Sienna had a long history of worsening symptoms and had been diagnosed with ASD and ADHD, plus Tourettes, OCD and PTSD. All her symptoms had significantly worsened following a bad bout of flu.
She had been under the care of an immunologist and neurologist and had tried cranial osteopathy, a chiropractor and a homoeopath. Mum was desperate to help Sienna find some relief from her symptoms.
How were these symptoms impacting Sienna's life?
It was horrendous for both Sienna and her Mum. Sienna’s mood swings and seizures were so severe, that they resulted in frequent violence against her Mum.
She suffered from awful gastric symptoms, anxiety and head pains that led to her head banging, and barely sleeping at night. Their whole lives had been turned upside down.
What lab tests did you do? What did the tests reveal and how did that shape your therapeutic approach?
Blood tests were very difficult for Sienna as her anxiety was so severe she would need a general anaesthetic to obtain a sample, so we focussed on tests that were less invasive such as saliva, stool, urine and genetics (mouth swabs).
The various tests revealed severe digestive issues and very high immune reactivity and histamine in the gut. Her hair test showed she was low in minerals and with elevated mercury. Urine testing showed high pyrroles, mitochondrial dysfunction and an overburdened liver.
The genetic tests showed many gene variants limiting Sienna’s methylation pathway - a metabolic pathway that underpins mood regulation, sleep, cognition, histamine clearance, detoxification and hormone balancing.
I initially introduced Toxaprevent - a binder to ‘mop up’ histamine in the gut, as well as a gentle liver support. We worked towards eliminating gluten and dairy from the diet as it was clear that they were exacerbating symptoms. Mum had already started intuitively managing blood sugar balance by giving Sienna regular snacks, but we improved this by reducing high-sugar foods and giving her small meals or large snacks every three hours.
We introduced zinc and vitamin D to support immune regulation.
Testing also revealed that Sienna’s hormones were significantly out of balance, with extremely high levels of inflammatory oestrogens and low levels of protective oestrogens.
It’s always a challenge with such complex cases, to know where to focus your attention, but it was clear from Mum’s astute observations that hormones were a major driver for Sienna’s current symptoms and a key area to target.
Alongside our work, Sienna was referred to an endocrinologist, who had recommended trialling the progesterone-only pill. Progesterone can help calm inflammation by stabilising mast cells in certain cases, and we felt that trialling this, alongside targeted supplement support to promote healthy oestrogen metabolism, could help Sienna’s mood and behaviours. Removing hormone-disrupting chemicals from Sienna’s environment was also a crucial piece of the puzzle.
How long did it take before seeing positive changes to symptoms?
It took us seven months from the initial consultation to reach where we are now. In complex cases it can take a while to unpick what’s going on, and find creative ways to manage diet changes and supplement administration.
Sienna has now been seizure-free for two months and there have been no violent episodes in that time either. Her mum now describes her as mostly happy, which is wonderful to hear.
What has been the biggest ‘breakthrough’ moment on Sienna’s journey?
The work we’ve done on hormone balance and blood sugar control has had profound effects on Sienna’s mood and symptoms. It all came together when we realised blood sugar fluctuations and hormone fluctuations were significant drivers of Sienna’s symptoms and figured out ways to regulate them.
How is Sienna doing now? What will you focus on next?
Sienna is doing so well. There’s been one violent episode since our last follow up but we know the cause was food related and to avoid that trigger in future!
The frequent eye infections which had been causing extreme discomfort have resolved now too.
There is still a lot of work to do. Our next step is supporting Sienna’s methylation cycle which will help maintain the clearance of inflammatory oestrogens and avoid histamine overload.
We still have a lot of work to do on stabilising mast cells.
We are working alongside a metabolic doctor who is also investigating metabolic imbalances from a medical stand point.
I would like to help Sienna sleep better, and help Mum to start to recover too.
I’m really optimistic about Sienna’s further recovery and excited to continue working with this brave young woman.
Always consult a qualified practitioner before introducing new supplements. Book your free discovery call today to discuss how we can help your child achieve optimal health.
Please note that we do not diagnose or treat illnesses at Brainstorm Health, but we can help you advocate for the right medical diagnosis from qualified doctors if necessary.
Broccoli Plus by Nutri Advanced
We love this gentle supplement that harnesses the benefits of broccoli’s active compounds. Broccoli Plus combines concentrated broccoli powder with the added boost of sulforaphane, a potent antioxidant known for its detoxifying and anti-inflammatory properties. Sufurophane plays an essential role in promoting healthy hormone levels by supporting the body’s natural detoxification processes and helping to regulate oestrogen metabolism.
Health Benefits of Broccoli Plus
🌱 Supports detoxification: Sulforaphane, one of the key compounds in broccoli, is known for its powerful detoxifying properties. It helps activate the body’s natural detox enzymes, promoting the removal of harmful toxins and supporting overall liver function.
🛡️ Balances immune health: Broccoli is packed with vitamin C and other antioxidants, which help strengthen the immune system and protect the body from oxidative stress and free radical damage.
💪 Promotes healthy inflammation levels: Sulforaphane has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce chronic inflammation.
🧠 Supports cognitive function: Research suggests that sulforaphane may have neuroprotective effects, promoting brain health and cognitive function.
Key Features
✔️ Concentrated broccoli powder: A potent source of nutrients and antioxidants, providing all the benefits of broccoli in a capsule.
✔️ Sulforaphane-rich: Sulforaphane is one of the most powerful natural compounds for supporting detoxification, reducing inflammation, and promoting overall health.
✔️ Free from additives: No artificial colours, preservatives, or chemicals.
Enjoy a 10% discount on Broccoli Plus using the code SMC010
Please consult your practitioner or medical professional before adding any new supplement to your plan
Food of the week: Walnuts
A big bowl of nuts is a festive snacking staple in many homes. Fresh walnuts are particularly delicious, with a buttery texture and a slightly earthy flavour. Kids will have fun releasing them from their shells, and they are incredibly versatile! Enjoy them on their own, chop and toast them to sprinkle over winter salads, or roast them with warm spices and a drizzle of honey or maple syrup for a sweet, sticky, and nutritious treat.
The best way to prepare nuts, including walnuts, is to shell and soak them in water with about one teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate per litre of water. This helps to neutralise natural compounds like phytic acid, which can inhibit nutrient absorption. After soaking, dry them in a low oven or dehydrator to retain their crunch and flavour while making their nutrients more accessible.
Walnuts are also packed with essential nutrients to support your health. They’re a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, which play a key role in brain and heart health and reducing inflammation. They are also rich in antioxidants, which help protect your cells from damage, making them an important ally for maintaining long-term health.
Fresh walnuts – a Christmas essential
🌰 High in omega-3 fatty acids, supporting brain health and heart function 💡❤️
🌰 Rich in antioxidants, fighting free radicals and reducing inflammation ✨
🌰 Packed with essential vitamins and minerals like vitamin E and magnesium, promoting healthy skin and strong bones 💪
🌰 Rich in protein and healthy fats to keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day 🍽️
Walnuts are plentiful in shops and markets right now. Preparing them by soaking and drying not only enhances their nutrient availability but also makes them easier to digest, giving you the best of both worlds: festive indulgence and nourishing goodness. They keep very well in their shells, so stock up now, soak and dry them in batches, and enjoy this versatile, wholesome snack all through the festive season.
Please only introduce new foods or supplements under the guidance of your healthcare practitioner and remember dose is important! We always recommend that people start with a very small dose and work up. Supplements are not meant to be used long term. These are general recommendations only and not intended to diagnose or treat any health issues. If you are already a patient of ours, feel free to ask your practitioner if these are suitable and don’t forget to use the discount codes listed below.
Meet our practitioners We are a unique clinic in that each of our practitioners is a parent. Many of us have a child with special needs, and we all have different passions and expertise. Please head to our website to meet Jo, Sarah, Haley, Mémé and Emma, and get in touch if you'd like to know how to work with us.
Appointments If you’d like to become a new patient, please follow this link to our New Patient enquiry page and follow the directions. Existing patients can book follow-up appointments with their practitioners using this link. Please note Discovery Calls on this page are only for people we have not seen yet and not for existing patients.
Buying supplements from our trusted suppliers
We recommend our patients buy supplements from the below suppliers. Note any supplement mentioned in the above article is for educational purposes only. You should only try new supplements with your child with the approval of your healthcare practitioner. If you have already gotten approval, please feel free to make use of the exclusive Brainstorm Health® discount codes we have negotiated with our suppliers. Some suppliers support Brainstorm Health® with a small commission which we reinvest into creating quality content like this newsletter to give as much free support to our community as possible.
The Natural Dispensary Discount Code: SMC010
Amrita Discount Code: L8FQQL
Your Health Basket Discount Code: Brainstorm10