In December 2020, Raskrinkavanje analyzed three fake news pieces targeting Joe Biden, the newly elected President of the United States. These three articles focused on the new administration’s approach to the Western Balkans, claiming that it intends to abolish Republika Srpska and furthermore recreate Yugoslavia.
Two false news articles purported that Biden is planning to abolish the Republika Srpska, one of the two entities in Bosnia, while the third one contained misinformation that Biden planned to resurrect Yugoslavia. In both cases (the abolition of the RS and the resurrection of Yugoslavia), the source was Kurir, the Serbian media, while the disinformation about the abolition of the RS was further published by RTRS, the RS public broadcaster.
The first false news about the alleged abolition of RS manipulated a statement of a professor from Johns Hopkins University in the United States, Daniel Serwer, while speaking with Dnevni Avaz, a Bosnian daily. Serwer stated that one of the possible tasks of new Biden’s administration will be reform of the Dayton Peace Agreement. Serbian Kurir misrepresented the possibility of such a reform as an announcement of the abolition of RS, which than was reported by the media from Bosnia, Serbia and Montenegro, such as: Sputnik Srbija, IN4S, Naša borba, Dnevno (.ba), Dnevno (.hr).
In second example of false news on this topic, the RS public broadcaster manipulatively presented statements from the hearing of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the US House of Representatives, dedicated to the Balkans.
RTRS did not fully publish Professor Serwer's statement, rather omitting the part in which he says that no one outside Bosnia can reform its constitution. Slobodna Bosna, a Sarajevo portal, carried such news, under the headline that Biden would abolish RS.
The truth is that during the hearing of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of the House of Representatives of the US Congress, dedicated to the Balkans, no one spoke about the abolition of RS.
However, the news was further disseminated by numerous portals in Bosnia, such as: Centralna Bosna, BH-Magazin, Bolja Bosna,, Za Srebrenicu, Sarajevograd, Mreza (.co), Dnevne vijesti, Glas Srpske.
In the third piece of fake news related to Biden, several news portals expectation of diplomat Timothy Less that the new US president may be faced with the task of connecting the Western Balkans region. Some maintain that this would look like Yugoslavia, presenting headlines with the claim that "Biden resurrects Yugoslavia" as "revealed by the American media".
One article making such a claim was first published by the Serbian Kurir, and then by other media, mostly from Serbia and Montenegro, such as: Pravda, Mondo (.me), Dnevna novost, Extra vijesti 24h, Radio Balkan seher mahala, Viralne vijesti, Bijeljina press, Atraktivno, Pozitiv media, Montenegro click, Sandzak live, Crni bombarder, Trend info, Eskpresno i Nedeljnik afera.