Two of the things for which I am most thankful were blog topics this month - see details below. After the election I wrote about our Vice President-elect, a woman of color who is also a woman past midlife. It was such a pleasure to learn more about the truly amazing Kamala Harris in order to write about her, and my admiration for her grew even more in the process.
I am also thankful that the joy and creativity of women past midlife continues during this challenging time. It was tremendous fun to read Pamela Skjolsvik’s new novel, Forever 51, about the permanently menopausal vampire and hospice nurse Veronica Bouchard. And it was a kick to talk with Pamela for the blog. Her understated humor is as evident in the interview as it was in the novel.
Writing is such a joy for many of us, and a source of solace in difficult times. Writing can also be isolating, but it does not need to be. Two online Elderotica groups are now meeting each month, and there is so much power in sharing our work and talking about our lives. We have limited space in each group and plans to begin a third group. Please drop a line to stella [at] if you are interested in learning more about these free groups, including their playful structure and the positive feedback we give to one another.
It is tough to be thankful for all that has been this year, a year in which we, like soldiers in some viral war, have alternated between boredom and terror. But it is very possible to give thanks that we are still here, still growing, changing, creative and rebellious.
And it is quite possible to say yes to all that will be: A new year that may bring us more hope and more freedom, a time when we will take what we learned this year and apply it. Never take a breath of fresh air for granted. Never take all those lovely distractions we used to enjoy for granted.
Remember to breathe, remember to write.
Remember how much we can accomplish when we narrow our focus. Keep in mind what Oprah said: You can have it all, just not all at once. And tell our stories now, because we never know what is around the corner, what new thing will arrive to teach us unexpected lessons.
I hope that this holiday season brings you joy and hope, however it is configured, and however creative we each must be to connect. You are worthy and your stories are important. To paraphrase Oscar Wilde, writing is too important to be taken seriously.
Keep your pen moving and your keys clicking.
All the best,
Stella Fosse
P.S. Please drop me a line if you would like to suggest a blog topic or would like to write a guest blog yourself.