🔥 Inside The Group
Member of the Year Nominations
In an attempt to say thank you for all YOU put into the group, I've set up a "Member of the Year" program and nominations are now open. Winners will be getting some fantastic prizes!
What if they don't take a care plan...
Michael is curious to know what you do with a site when a client doesn't grab your care plan... Do you turn on auto-updates? Install a security plugin? What's the best way to not devalue your care plan, but help them succeed with their site?
How much are you raising your prices for 2023?
Jordan is looking to make a 30% increase in his care plans and is curious about what kind of increase others are doing. The comments are full of lots of things to consider.
We are #1 (again!)
Thanks to the time and energy you've put into TAB (and your votes, of course), The Admin Bar has been selected as the #1 WordPress community for the second year in a row.
Subdomain vs Subdirectory
Shala is looking at putting up some demo sites and doesn't know whether it's better to put them on a subdomain or subdirectory. Do you have a preference? And why?
📰 In Other News
Spice Up Your Mobile Menus
This week I put out a neat little tutorial on a few ways you can improve the look and feel of your GeneratePress/GenerateBlocks mobile navigation menus. I'm in love with this!
459 episodes later...
WordPress' longest continually running podcast, Kitchen Sink WP with Adam Silver, invited me on to talk about agency life, The Admin Bar, and some of my favorite tools.
Is your website accessible to people with dyslexia?
TAB member Rick Heijster put together an absolutely fantastic blog article for TheAdminBar.com on making your website more accessible to people with dyslexia (about 12% of the population!). This is a must-read!
🤯 Tip of the Week
This week's Tuesday Tip Jar was all about Business Insurance — but it seems no one gives a shit about that 😂
Read the couple of tips we got.
This week's big tipper is Andrew Palmer who explained what all kind of insurance he carries for his business.
Keep an eye out for an announcement on plans to change up the Tuesday Tip Jar in 2023!