Once or twice a year, I set aside words and do theology with images.

     Here are photos I've made in the last year or so. To me, at least, they say something theological. 


The future is open for an abandoned corral in the Owyhees of Idaho.

The river carves out a tradition in Big Jack's Creek, Idaho.

This Billy goat looked into me at my camp in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon.

The light shines through near Olympic National Forest in Washington State.

Delicate flowers drink from a mountain stream.

Early morning clouds catch the first rays in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon.

This half-submerged homestead in the Owyhee mountains is difficult to find.

A winding stream wanders in the Wallowa Mountains of Oregon.

Wild and withered plants catch the sun's rays.

A battered tree oversees the valley.

Weathered wood and ocean rock at the edge of the Pacific Ocean.

The stairs to the sky are rarely used these days.

Three-finger rock weathers another crucifixion.

A memorial to death in the river canyon.

The city boats and abodes brightly color Alesund, Norway.

A homestead window offers a glimpse of the Snake River.

Bighorn sheep in California warily eye the photographer.

Icey water flows toward a lake's solace.

Stars light Sheep Creek canyon.

An evening orb on dry grasses.

Sunset colors the Snake River south of Mountain Home.

God is in the details along Succor Creek.

The Spirit slides down the mountains of Norway.

Tough sagebrush grows from rocks in the Owyhees of Nevada.

My Thoughts on God, Creativity, & Photography: Five-Minute Video
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Thomas Jay Oord

tjoord@nnu.edu  --  @thomasjayoord  --  http://thomasjayoord.com