Simple Acts for Refugee Week 2020 (final wording coming soon!)
‘Imagine if’, or ‘Imagine a world where’. Share your imagining through a video message, poem, drawing or something else, and share.
Tell a joke
Humour lifts our spirits in dark times, and reminds us of what we have in common. Join us in collecting and sharing jokes that have travelled the world.
Share a song
Music connects us and helps us to imagine a different world. Learn/ sing/ listen to and share a song about exile, welcome, or a better world (there will be a new Spotify playlist for Refugee Week 2020).
Take an online art tour
While museum and gallery doors are closed, we’ll provide online resources to help you explore arts and heritage by and about people on the move.
Watch a film
Travel from your sofa to somewhere new by watching a film about refugee experiences. Our upcoming Moving Worlds resource will have features and shorts on the theme of ‘Imagine’ that you can watch at home.
Read a book
The classic ‘Read a book about exile’ Simple Act, updated to focus on books on themes of ‘Imagine’.
Thank your climate justice hero
Celebrate an unsung hero of the climate justice movement, from activists in the majority world to people caring for the environment in your own community.
Join the movement
What happens when Refugee Week is over? Ways to stay involved all year round.