Stay Safe
I would like to take this time to pass along positive and affirming energy to everyone. We are experiencing an unfamiliar and unprepared for health crisis. However, if we work together, stay calm, and follow the advice of our medical experts and political leaders, we will make it through this a better, stronger people.
In my state of Maryland, our governor called a state of emergency last week. Beginning this week, all public schools are closed, as well as libraries, bars, restaurants, etc. Colleges and universities in the state sent students home for spring break and have moved to online learning for the upcoming semester.
Maryland's governor has also banned gathering of more than 50 people. So, with such safety restrictions, I am home from work for at least the next two weeks. But, like many of you whose place of employment has also closed due to COVID-19, my laptop and Internet are crucial to continuing to work.
I ask you guys to please take proper precautions to keep yourself and others safe. Here is a link to the Centers for Disease Control's Coronavirus information page. Stay abreast of the latest news.