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Flash Report
Tuesday 05 May 2020
4NM South of Posorja, Ecuador
Incident Details

Incident Type: Pirate Attack

Location: 4NM South of Posorja, Ecuador

Source: Clearwater

Incident Date: 01 May 2020, 2315 GMT -5

Lat/Long: 02° 46.02S: 080° 14.07W

Alert Number:  936

Incident Description

It has been reported that a Container Ship was fired upon whilst underway approximately 4NM South of Posorja. Seven armed persons onboard one skiff began to chase and then fire upon the vessel, the alarm was raised and crew were mustered. A searchlight was directed at the skiff and the onboard Coastguard fired four warning shots, this resulted in the skiff aborting its approach.


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