

from the Chairperson of Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center

Greetings from Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) Team,

We had a busy time in the 3rd quarter of the year 2018, filled with various activities from focus group discussions, several joint researches with institutions and universities, as well as some activities involving a music performance and a Junior Chess Championship. This quarter also marked the end of PYC's 2nd year as a non-profit organization dedicated primarily to the development in the energy and natural resources sector. 

Related to research collaboration with other institutions, PYC with the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA) hosted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) with the topic on energy issues in the manufacturing industry sector. PYC also collaborated with Indonesia Defense University (IDU) in a joint research related to Solar Home System application in the remote military bases. A field research was conducted in Sorong to collect field data on electricity supply and demand as well as electrification ratio in Sorong. PYC also collaborated with Santo Thomas Catholic University in Medan in a seminar on "Sustainable Energy Resources Management For National Defense".

The third PYC Knowledge Sharing Series (KSS) has also been conducted. With the topic of "Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (MEMR) Policy Outlook for Indonesia Energy Sovereignty", PYC invited Dr. Herman Darnel, Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, and Dr. Alexander Wibowo as speakers, and Dr. Ryad Chairil as the moderator to led the discussion. The sharing session provided a platform for open discussions among practitioners and academicians on policies in the energy sector and the various impacts that follow.

Outside PYC's research work in the energy sector, there were activities in the social sector. PYC was invited to showcase a collaboration of Kolintang and Koto Music Performance with Soka Gakkai Indonesia. A preview show was held in which PYC also received an Indonesian Record Museum (MURI) award for its contribution in conserving Kolintang Music. The Kolintang - Koto team also performed a show in Tokyo for Indonesia's Independence Day as well as to celebrate the 60 years of Indonesia - Japan relations.

PYC held again a Junior Chess Championship to win the Purnomo Yusgiantoro Trophy. This year is the third time PYC conducted the championship. The competition was attended by 58 junior participants in which Mr. Utut Adianto gave an opening remark and Ms. Samantha Edithso attended the event as the previous year winner.

As for publication work, PYC has published another edition of The Indonesian Journal of Energy (IJE), IJE Vol. 1 No.2 (2018). The journal includes some high-quality, selected research papers that went through a rigorous double-peer reviewing process.  

Another publication is a comprehensive book of "Ekonomi Energi: Teori dan Aplikasi", authored by Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Luky Yusgiantoro, PhD. The book launch was delivered in the celebration of the PYC 2nd Anniversary.

Finally, we thank everyone who supported and participated in PYC's activities during these past two years. We are grateful for all the blessings, and we are looking forward to another exciting collaboration and initiatives in the energy and natural resources sector.



Figure 1. The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center team at the 2nd PYC Anniversary event.

In appreciation of all the supports given to PYC in the past 2 years, PYC organized a small anniversary celebration on 13th of July 2018. On the day of the event, there was also a book launched of “Ekonomi Energi: Teori dan Aplikasi” authored by Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Luky Yusgiantoro, Ph.D. Both authors hope that the book could be a reliable reference for academics, practitioners as well as stakeholders in understanding the general concept of energy economics. In the event, ten representatives from several institutions were called to receive the new book. After the book launch, Prof. Purnomo led the traditional tumpeng cutting as a symbolic meaning of safety and goodness of the center, and a surprise birthday celebration was delivered by children and grandchildren of Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro and Mrs. Lis Yusgiantoro.





Figure 1. The Participants of PYC 3rd Knowledge Sharing Series (KSS) 2018.

On the 26th of September 2018, PYC conducted its third edition of Knowledge Sharing Series (KSS). The main theme of the event is “MEMR Policy Outlook for Indonesia Energy Sovereignty”. The event itself aims to be a means of open discussion for practitioners and academics on policies in the energy sector and the various impacts that follow. PYC invited Dr. Herman Darnel, Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, and Dr. Alexander Wibowo as the speakers, and Dr. Ryad Chairil to led the discussion. Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana delivered a topic on management of upstream oil and gas business activities in terms of Indonesian positive law. Dr. Herman Darnel addressed Indonesia Energy Sovereignty from policy perspectives. Dr. Alexander Wibowo as the last speaker delivered the result of his observations regarding the dynamics of energy security of the coal mining sector. The discussion run interactively with many diverse questions that were brought up during the discussion.


Figure 1. Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro accepted the memento from the Rector of Santo Thomas Catholic University, Medan.

Santo Thomas Catholic University Medan, in its collaboration with Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC), Energindo Magazine and energipos.com, held a national seminar titled, “The Sustainable Energy Resources Management for National Defense.” The seminar was held on 25th of September 2018 in the Rectorate Building of Santo Thomas Catholic University. The committee invited Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro as the keynote speaker, and there were four more speakers for the two discussion sessions such as Dr. Saleh Abdurrahman as the Secretary-General of the National Energy Council; Gus Irawan Pasaribu as the Head of Commission VII of House of Representatives which focuses on Energy, Mineral Resources, Research and Technology, Environmental Affairs; Fabby Tumewa as the New and Renewable Energy (NRE) expert; and Danny Praditya as the representative of National Gas Company.

In this seminar, Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro highlighted the global energy dynamic for national energy security. It is important for people, especially Millennials, to understand the concept of national energy security as they will be the future generation. But to be able to understand the national energy security, it is essential for them to have a strong knowledge of the energy situation both at  the national and international level.


Figure 1. PYC - ERIA Focus Group Discussion - Manufacturing Industry Review: Energy Perspective

Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC), in cooperation with Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia (ERIA), hosted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD). The FGD was held on 29th of August 2018 in PYC’s office to discuss the manufacturing industry sector from an energy perspective. In order to have a comprehensive view of the topic, speakers from different stakeholders were invited. Mr. Muhammad Khayam, as a representative from the Ministry of Industry, gave his views on the energy demand of the manufacturing industry sector. On the other hand, Mr. Saleh Abdurrahman gave a presentation about the role of National Energy Council (DEN) role in creating regulatory guidelines and forecasting the supply and demand of energy in the manufacturing industry sector. The discussion continued with Mr. Rauf Purnama emphasizing the importance of ensuring reliable energy supply and distribution to the downstream industry and Mr. Jarman Sudimo stressing the importance of new technology application such as cogeneration plant to optimize energy use in the manufacturing industry sector. The FGD was closed with a remark from Mr. Luky Yusgiantoro as PYC’s representative in which he underlined the importance of coordination between all the responsible institution to solve the energy issues in the manufacturing industry sector.


Figure 1. From left to right: Colonel (Navy) Dr. Yanif Dwi Kuntjoro, M.Si, Dr. Rudy Laksmono, MT and Mr. Alexander Rangelov at the panel.

Indonesia Defense University (IDU), Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC), and International Power Supply (IPS) Bulgaria held a joint research presentation and discussion on the 27th August 2018 at the IDU Hall. The event was an implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between IDU and IPS as well as the cooperation charter of IDU and PYC. The theme was “the Benefits of Implementing Solar Home Systems (SHS) in Sorong, West Papua, Indonesia”. The speakers of the event were Mr. Alex Rengelov (Chief Executive Officer of IPS Bulgaria) and Colonel (Navy) Dr. Yanif Dwi Kuntjoro, M.Si (Secretary of Energy Security Study Program). Additionally, Dr. Rudy Laksmono MT (Energy Security Lecturer) was the moderator for the discussion.

The event was the first step prior to the field research of the electrification program in Sorong, West Papua. In particular, a study will be conducted for the Solar Home System (SHS) pilot project installation in Sorong, West Papua.


Figure 1. A visit to BMKG Sorong office.

On the 28th - 30th of June 2018, Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) conducted a field research to Sorong, West Papua Province, Indonesia. It was conducted in order to have a preliminary feasibility study data of Hybrid Solar Power Plant installation, particularly, electricity and meteorological data to determine the specifications of the Hybrid Solar Power Plant that would be installed. The visit to Sorong was to gather sufficient information and relation with the related office and agency. With the data gathered during the preliminary visit, the team hopes to have a better understanding of the electricity demand and potential for solar power installation in Sorong.




Figure 1. Kolintang-Koto Performance at Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan.

Invited by the Indonesian Embassy in Japan, Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) held a collaboration of Kolintang music, Koto instrument, Gending Sriwijaya dance performance and a fashion show of Iwan Tirta’s batik collection at the diplomatic dinner reception. This activity was held on Saturday, 24th of August 2018 at the Fuji Room, Imperial Hotel, Tokyo, Japan to commemorate the 73rd Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia and 60 years of Indonesia-Japan relations.


Figure 1. The Preview Show of Kolintang-Koto Performance at Soka Gakkai Indonesia, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta.

On Sunday, 19th of August 2018, Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC), collaborated with Soka Gakkai Indonesia, held a Preview Show of Kolintang-Koto performance at Pusat Kebudayaan Soka Gakkai Indonesia, Kemayoran, Central Jakarta. The event was not only livened up by various songs from the traditional Kolintang-Koto musical instruments, but also by a fashion show by Iwan Tirta Private Collection. Additionally, there were also traditional dances and angklung music performances from Soka Gakkai's representatives.

In the middle of the event, PYC received a MURI (Indonesian Record Museum) Award from Chairman of MURI, Mr. Jaya Suprana. This award was given for PYC's contribution in conserving one of Indonesian traditional music, Kolintang, by organizing the first Kolintang Music Concert in Sydney Opera House in November 2016.


Figure 1. All participants with PYC Board Members and also Drs. G.M. Utut Ardianto.

On Saturday, 11th of August 2018, Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) held the 3rd Junior Chess Championship "The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Trophy." In this 3rd year, Junior Chess Championship "The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Trophy" was attended by 58 participants who came from various regions, including DKI Jakarta, West Java, Central Java, Banten, West Sumatera, Central Kalimantan, DI Yogyakarta, and India.

Mr. Utut Adianto (Indonesian Chess Grandmaster), gave an opening remark in this event. In his speech, he said that Junior Chess Championship "The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Trophy" is a place to train future junior chess athletes in Indonesia. Additionally, Mr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro as the Founder of PYC also mentioned that the event was intended to be an opportunity and a trigger for competition among all the children to prepare themselves as future chess athletes.

The competition continued with the previous champion, Ms. Samantha Edithso played chess with Mr. Purnomo Yusgiantoro briefly to symbolize the opening of Junior Chess Championship "The Purnomo Yusgiantoro Trophy."

Here are the names of the top 10 winners: 1. Morado Simanjuntak (DKI Jakarta), 2. Miracle Carang Gesang (West Java), 3. Ahmad Muzaki (West Sumatera), 4. Muh. Khairul Siddiq (Central Java), 5. Aura Cahyati Alifan (West Java), 6. Nuriya Ramadhani (DKI Jakarta), 7. Uriel Sidabutar (DKI Jakarta), 8. Hasbi Subagyo Putra (West Java), 9. Aliya Alifia Husada (West Java) and 10. Andreas Tio Parulian T. (DKI Jakarta).

Congratulations for the winners!




Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) published Indonesian Journal of Energy (IJE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2018). Five chosen manuscripts have successfully passed under the double peer reviewing process.

The chosen manuscripts are listed below:

1. Decarbonizing Energy in Bali With Solar Photovoltaic: GIS-Based Evaluation on Grid-Connected System.

By Ami Syanalia, Fikriyah Winata

2. Enabling Community Participation for Social Innovation in the Energy Sector.

By Ibnu Budiman

3. Estimation of Indonesia's Energy Demand to 2030 and Alternatives Scenario to Reduce Oil Dependence.

By Dwi Atty Mardiana, RS. Trijana Kartoatmodjo, Sugiatmo Kasmungin

4. Multiple Challenges and Opportunities for Biogas Dissemination in Indonesia.

By Ibnu Budiman, Raushanfikr Muthahhari, Ceylan Kaynak, Fabian Reichwein, Wandi Zhang

5. Redefining EOR In Indonesia's Oil & Gas Industry: A Novel Solution to Overcome Lengthy Lag Time from EOR Implementation In Indonesia Post Gross Split Fiscal System.

By Steven Chandra, Sudjati Rachmat


Please visit the link below to access the publish online version.


Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center (PYC) launched a book titled "Ekonomi Energi: Teori dan Aplikasi". The book was written by Prof. Purnomo Yusgiantoro with Dr. Luky Yusgiantoro. The book provides a comprehensive view of the energy economy theoretically and covers topics ranging from energy in micro-economy, energy in macro-economy and energy imperfect market. Additionally, the book not only covers the theory but also provides the most updated data and issues in the energy field.

The book is now available and can be ordered through PYC.



The following opinions have been gathered to enrich and share knowledge on some current issues in the energy sector:

1. Reflections on Energy Cooperation Between Indonesia and Japan “Commemorating 60th Anniversary of Indonesia-Japan Diplomatic Relations” by Filda Yusgiantoro, Rahmantara Trichandi and Massita Ayu

2. Electrification Development in Sorong, West Papua Province, Indonesia by Akhmad Hanan and Rahmantara Trichandi

3. Brief Notes for Indonesia’s Feed-in Tariff (FIT) Implementation by Massita Ayu Cindy




Figure 1. Several Winners of PYC 2nd Anniversary Paper Competition.

On 26th of September 2018, PYC held the paper competition award ceremony to the winners of the PYC 2nd anniversary Paper Competition “Energy Law, Governance and Policy”. Papers were selected by juries: Prof. Hikmahanto Juwana, Dr. Herman Darnel and Dr. Alexander Wibowo.

Here are the five best papers: (1) The Legality of Oil and Gas Production Sharing Contract Gross Split Scheme by Fakharsyah Hanif Sugiyartomo; (2) Sustainable Development Assessment on North Jakarta using Indicators and PLS-SEM by Lilyana Jap; (3) Providing the Greatest Benefit for Indonesian People Through Balancing the Position of PLN and Independent Power Producers in Indonesian Electricity Industry by Ulya Yasmine Prisandani and Belinda Larasati Mursidi; (4) An Effect of Domestic Market Obligation (DMO) in Coal Production to Government Revenue by Arif Somawijaya; and (5) Bioenergy Governance: Fragmented Regimes in Indonesia by Ibnu Budiman.

Congratulations for the top five winners!



Indonesian Journal of Energy (IJE) is a bi-annual journal publication, publishes every February and August. The IJE covers research with a strong focus on energy economics, energy analysis, energy modeling, and prediction, integrated energy systems, energy planning, and energy management. It also welcomes paper on related topics such as energy conservation, energy efficiency, energy innovation, energy technology, biomass and bioenergy, renewable energy, electricity supply and demand, energy storage, energy in buildings, energy finance, energy law and economic and policy issues. Besides that, it also provided topics are within the context of the broader multi-disciplinary scope of energy.

The second issue of IJE Vol.1, No.2 (2018) has been published and available online through the website.

IJE always welcomes original research papers for its next issue. Please visit IJE website for more on submissions guideline.

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Purnomo Yusgiantoro Center
Jalan Wijaya IX No. 12, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta, 12160, Indonesia
Phone: +62 21 720 3917
Fax: +62 21 22 77 5786
Email: pyc@purnomoyusgiantorocenter.org 

Website: www.purnomoyusgiantorocenter.org | www.ije-pyc.org
