Free Well Water Testing!
The Washtenaw County Conservation District and students from Eastern Michigan University will be testing water samples on Saturday, October 5th from 9am to 3pm at Room 2304, 705 N. Zeeb Rd. Water from private wells will be tested for nitrate/nitrite, pH, turbidity and more. We suggest that samples be at least 8oz and less than 48hrs old; further water sampling instructions can be found at
For more information, contact Paul Buzzard at or by calling (734) 302-8713
Join the Plant Swap Event!
Sunday, October 6, 1-2:00, 2024
Ypsilanti District Library: 5577 Whittaker Rd, Ypsilanti, MI 48197
Bring a rain garden plant to share. Take one home to put in your rain garden! In addition to rain garden plants, any native plants, as well as non-native plants (that are not invasive), are welcome! YDL's rain garden needs new plants; please consider bringing an extra plant to donate to our rain garden. If you would like to help install “leftover” plants (starting at 2:15 pm) along the edges of the detention basin, in the rain garden, or in the pollinator garden at the Library, please bring gloves and a trowel. Everyone is welcome. Please label any plants you bring. Admire the Ypsilanti Library pollinator garden!
Tractor Tire Drive
Join us for the 4th annual Tractor Tire Drive! We are partnering with the Washtenaw County Materials Management Division on November 2nd from 9am-12pm at Freedom Township Hall to collect agricultural tires from all over Washtenaw County. Since its inception, this tire drive has collected over 500 tractor tires from the agricultural community, preventing them from leaching chemicals into groundwater and reducing the breeding grounds for mosquitoes. This year we are accepting a total of 6 Tractor Tires and 12 Semi Tires. Registration is required.
Fall Tree & Native Plant Sale: Pick-up & Extra Sales
Friday, September 20th: 1 pm - 6 pm
Washtenaw Farm Council Grounds - Shed D
It's time to take your plants home with you and start planting!
If you are interested in purchasing leftover plants we will have limited extra trees, native plants, and planting aids for sale, first-come first-serve starting at 5pm until 6pm.
MIFarmLink Update
35 Acres Available for Lease
Check out A new-to-Michigan farm linking website seeking to keep farmland in the hands of farmers.
Check out 35 acres that Natural Community Services operates out of Wildflower Acres Farm. They apply scientific knowledge to land-use decisions and design to integrate landscape, watershed, and wildlife sustainability, community needs, and cost efficiencies. They plan to grow native trees, shrubs and wildflowers for seed production eventually, and would be happy to consider other sustainable agriculture uses.
End of Summer Discounts on all Rain Barrels, Downspout Diverters, Tumbling Composters & 275 Gallon Totes!
A rain barrel collects and stores rainwater from roofs for later use to water plants and gardens. Made from recycled food-grade, high-density polyethylene plastic barrels.
Bulk discount: Buy multiple barrels of any color /type Save $10, when you get 2 Rain Barrels. Save $20, when you get 3 Rain Barrels.
"Starter Kit" discount: Get a rain barrel, downspout diverter, & pedestal stand - Save $10.
Save $30 on Tumbling Composters!
Save $15 on 275 Gallon Totes!
Equipment & Hand Tool Rental
Welcome the "Extractigator 'Big Daddy'" to the fleet of puller tools!
Thanks to a generous donation, the "Extractigator" is the latest addition to our Tool Lending Library.
With this latest addition, we now have 5 puller tools of different sizes and models to borrow!
The fall season means it's time to manage those pesky woody invasive species usual suspects: buckthorn, autumn olive, mulberry, and honeysuckle. If not managed with herbicide, the pullers are most effective when the soil is soft to fully remove the stem and roots. Also, these species are easier to find as they often remain green longer than native species. These are popular, so don't hesitate, to reserve them today!
- City of Ypsilanti Sustainability Commission
Monday, October 14th at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1 S Huron Street, Ypsilanti, MI
- Sharon Township Planning Commission
Tuesday, October 15th at 7 p.m. at the Sharon Township Hall, 18010 Pleasant Lake Road, Manchester, MI
- Salem Township Land Preservation & Conservation Board
Tuesday, October 15th at 7 p.m. at the Salem Township Hall, 9600 Six Mile Road, Salem, MI
- Northfield Township Land Preservation Committee
Wednesday, October 9th at 5:30 p.m. at Northfield Township Hall, 8350 Main St., Whitmore Lake, MI
- Augusta Charter Township Farmland Preservation Committee
Community Updates |
Other local events, programs, and happenings.
WCCD Office Closure |
The WCCD office (located at 705 N Zeeb Road) will be closed on Thursday, September 26th for safety training. Thank you for your understanding.
HRWC's River Round-Up |
Sampling sites across the Huron River watershed in Livingston, Oakland, Wayne and/or Washtenaw Counties. HRWC will determine where volunteers will meet up, so please check your email once you sign up to get details.
October 12th, 9am-1 pm
Volunteer with the Huron River Watershed Council (HRWC) and join a small team of your friends, family, and other volunteers to collect bugs from streams across the watershed! The types of bugs indicate how healthy the river system is and this info assists with focusing restoration efforts to improve water quality.
To register and learn more click here.
8th Annual Fall Seed Share |
The Michigan Folk School, 2230 Platt Rd, Ann Arbor, MI
October 12th, 1-3:30 pm
The Washtenaw County Park & Recreation team will go on a seed collection hike throughout the prairies of County Farm Park and then will return to the Platt Pavilion for a seed share. Everyone is welcome! There are always extra seeds, so even if you don't have anything to share, pick up some seeds and have a cup of tea at the campfire while you converse with like-minded people and learn more about the local native plant gardening and seed-saving community. This event is the kickoff to the Seeds2Community series. We are building a network of gardeners dedicated to saving biodiversity one garden at a time! Learn more here.