Other Players of the Game Updates:
I've just received the edits back for bonus content books: The Brigands: The Favor and The New Players: Origins. I'll be releasing them both in the coming months on Kindle.
I'm also about two thirds of the way through the revision of Players of the Game Book 4: The Breakers. I'm adding details and fixing logic problems. Here's a fun little dialogue excerpt:
Xax released his friend’s shoulder. “Vance, meet Smiley and Tammy.”
“Tamona,” the Chan’la said.
“Ashe,” the masked man said.
Vance gave them a weary nod. “Vanzvulkous.”
Tamona let out a chuckle that sounded more like weak coughs. “Good to know that you’re consistent, Xax.”
Tamona, Xax, and Vance are newer characters that are introduced in New Players and Breakers.
The Prairies Book Review also gave Brigands a good review. You can read it here.