Dear Reader,
Welcome to our second 2019 newsletter. We report on the first year of GDPR and key developments in Baltic trademark, copyright and advertising law. In Belarus, the focus is on protecting IP rights and developing alternative dispute resolution for IPRs.
In office news: COBALT teams have contributed to two noteworthy publications: Landmark IP Decisions of the European Court of Justice 2014-2018 (Larcier: Berendschot & Janssens, eds.) and Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights in the EU Member States (Intersentia: Petillion, ed.).
We enjoyed catching up with friends and clients at the recent INTA Annual Meeting in Boston.
Finally, the USPTO has issued new rules that non-U.S. trademark owners must have local representation. COBALT (uniquely in our region) has a U.S. licensed attorney qualified to assist you.
With Regards, COBALT Law Offices