These are exciting days! If we can lift our head out of the news – filled with divisive elections, atrocities of war and debilitating disasters – and see into the unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18) into what is happening in the Kingdom of God, these are certainly exciting days. We live in a world that has been inverted; now there are more Christians in Africa than any other continent, with Central/South America having the second largest number and nations that were once ‘mission fields’ are now embracing the call to bring the gospel in all its fullness to those who have not heard nor experienced the good news – within their own borders and beyond.
We live in days when alongside the traditional method of sending people to make disciples we can embrace a plethora of methods of sharing the good news with the nations. Radio broadcasts, internet based ministries, Bible translation, compassion ministries, missional business, supporting local workers. Each of these methods is valid and good, though each has its limits, challenges and failings.
In the current environment the question is sometimes raised – “Should we stop sending?” More particularly: “Should we stop sending Westerners?” The scope of Jesus’ commission to the church to make disciples of all ethne might now be achieved without the need for (Western) missionaries. Perhaps we might be able to answer Paul’s question of Romans 10 “how shall they hear?” without having to be so arrogant as to send an outsider to preach to them?
In this edition we have four articles which, while not denying the validity of other forms of missionary activity, discuss the need for continuing to send people of any ethne from New Zealand. The first article is from the leader of a mission agency, Johan Linders (OMF). The second is from Mark and Faye who work in Niger, where 99% of the population identify as Muslim, while our third is written by Bruce Turner, a former missionary with AIM to Uganda, a personal perspective of trying to create the opportunities to share, finally we have Ajay Malik (pseudonym) reflecting on the need for missionaries in his home country of India.
(Note that these authors state their own opinions, MI does not claim to endorse every single thing that is written.)
Joseph Bateson
Interim Director