On Yud Kislev, 100+ singles had the opportunity to meet with over 20 Shadhchanim from around Israel in Kfar Chabad! This event was unique as it included photographers Shmuel Amit and Chani Haronein who took photographs of the singles for their profiles. For the women, makeup artists Dvori Markovitz and Yaeli Rivkin assisted in helping prepare the women for the photos. A special thanks to the Shadchanim Nitza Amitai, Rachel Babai, Bilha Bar-Lev, Malka Beitsch, Miriam Charuti, Malka Cohen, Rabbi Yehuda Cohen, Ruth Dales, Moran Ephraimov, Rina Gershowitz, Shoshana Goodman, Ora Kaplon, Odelia Kullick, Shula Moyal, Mazal Niyazov, Miriam Portnoy, Yehudit Pruss, and Batya Zand,