Performances held at the Esplanade Theatre will not be cancelled.
Precautionary measures will be taken in accordance to MOH’s advisory, including thermal scanners and the sanitisation of theatre venues. We seek the cooperation of all patrons who are unwell, have travelled to China in the recent weeks, or who have come in contact to suspected/confirmed cases to refrain from attending the events.
With regards to 15 February's Dance Appreciation Series: Romeo and Juliet 2020, Esplanade Theatres will be implementing the following measures:
1. Thermal screening at the entrance of the Concert Hall for all ticket holders. We strongly suggest arriving to the venue earlier than the stipulated performance time to give leeway for this screening.
2. Patrons with confirmed temperatures of above 38°C will be asked to seek medical attention and provide their contact, travel and health details.
3. The meet-and-greet session after the performance will no longer be taking place.
SDT and Esplanade Theatres will continue to monitor the situation closely and adjust the measures accordingly if needed.