October 2020

Monthly updates, activities, events and other reuse magic!

Get Outside, Get Counted and GOTV

We are all about action at Home ReSource, and figuring out the things – large and small – each of us can do every day that collectively add up to the big changes we want to see. 

Every time we use that recycling bin, every time we pass up a straw, bring our own grocery bags, compost an egg shell or choose to fix a wobbly chair, we are casting our vote for waste reduction, land and resource conservation, climate action and energy efficiency – things we need for a sustainable future.

It’s easy to think our individual actions don’t matter. But. They. Do. Sustainability is not a thing that happens when we’re looking the other way. It’s what we – every single one of us – make happen with every choice we make. Every. Single. Day.

And guess what? Sustainability and democracy have a lot in common. The little actions – truly! – make all the difference. Individual actions matter; greater participation has a greater impact. 

Just like sustainability doesn’t work without your participation, the census doesn’t work unless everyone gets counted, and democracy doesn’t work without your vote. 

And please note: That ballot that’s headed your way? With the crazy colored assortment of envelopes in it? Those safeguard the democratic process. As your unofficial Zero Waste auditors, you’ve got our permission to use all that paper exactly how the instructions tell you to. Every. Single. Piece. We really don’t want to see any ballots in the recycling box. 

Voting’s not the only thing. Like sustainability, there are lots of different ways to get involved  -- like making sure you and everyone you know has taken the census. Below are a few actions you can take NOW -- and every single one matters! 

  1. Register to vote, check your registration, then VOTE!
  1. Fill out your census
    • Think more federal money for critical services like healthcare, education, and highways would be nice? Then be sure to get counted! For each person counted, Montana gets nearly $2,000 each year in federal funding -- and that’s for 10 years! That, too, adds up to A LOT. But you have to get counted so get ‘er done now!
  1. Volunteer for a campaign or grassroots organizations
    • Excited about a candidate or an issue? Volunteer! You can turn your one vote for your favorite candidate into many. We know you can! So go out and get that voting ball rolling…
  1. Sign up to be a poll worker
    • Need a little money? Get paid to help mitigate the risks of this pandemic by signing up to staff a local polling place! Poll workers help voters get their ballots safely counted on election day.
  1. Research all the candidates and ballot measures
    • Yes, we each get one ballot, but there are a whole lot of votes on that one piece of paper, and probably lots of people you don’t know. Don’t worry! Check out a sample ballot and get to know the candidates before you vote.
    • Want to get started now? Search for voter guides from your preferred local advocacy group and research the 2020 ballot issues.
  1. Talk to your family and friends
    • Hate talking politics? Now is the time to overcome that fear! Talking about tough issues with those you love can be daunting, but even if no one changes their minds, dialogue helps us all figure out what matters, and seeing an issue from a new perspective can be powerfully good.
  1. Get outside and clear your head!
    • What a year of challenges. Do your best to breathe – the air is clear! That is something! Head outside, go for a walk or work on a funky reuse project in your backyard. Need supplies? We got you covered.

Stay safe, breathe deep and get out and vote! And remember, the county elections office is right across Russell from Home ReSource 😉

Home ReSource's Annual Auction

Virtual Auction October 16th - 25th

What do you get when you cross a couple of plow discs and a bed frame?

Answer: A Spontaneous Construction finalist!

The items are built, the judges have spoken and your opportunity to take home a one-of-a-kind handmade repurposed functional piece of art is coming!

Our annual benefit auction, Celebrating Reuse & Building Community, kicks off on Friday, October 16th and will end on Sunday, October 25th. Over the course of those 10 days, we will introduce you to the Grand Prize contenders, open up bidding on all SponCon items as well as other inspired art and unique pieces in the silent auction, and hook you up with all the delicious ReSources needed to join the grand prize announcement party from the comfort of your home!

Check out all the details on our website at homeresource.org

Moving Towards Zero Waste

Zero Waste Halloween Blog Post

What’s scarier than a good haunted corn maze? Or a really realistic Freddy Krueger costume? Or the movie “Psycho”?!

For us, it’s the piles of candy wrappers, plastic Halloween decorations, rotten jack-o-lanterns, and mass-produced costumes that are sent to landfill each year. Want to find out how to zero waste your Halloween? Click here!

Buying nothing is the cheapest, most zero waste way to celebrate the holiday. Make a Halloween costume without buying anything new and send us a photo via sweetprojects@homeresource.org

ReSourcery Magic of the Month





Get Involved

At Home ReSource we work with, in, and for the community to reduce waste and build a more vibrant and sustainable local economy. We collect and sell reusable materials, channel materials to those in need, provide meaningful work opportunities, and educate & inspire to promote a sustainable future.

We envision a just and vibrant world built on the principles of sustainability where the potential of people, community, and materials is realized. We invite you to be a part of our movement by getting involved however you can today!


Home ReSource

1515 Wyoming St, Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 541-8300

homeresource.org      Donate      Volunteer

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