Coming up a few Friday nights ago; Jewish women will find out what time Friday night davening really ends!! (Because of the fast of Teves)
I’m not surprised that Hamas is hiding in a school. I’m just surprised that the school is Harvard.
Nothing screams everything I know about this conflict I learned on Tik Tok quite like chanting to globalize the intifada at a ceasefire protest.
Hashem please give me the confidence of a non-Jew explaining to me what is and what isn’t anti-Semitism
Palestine has no history Only a criminal record.
People in the West : phone the police when their neighbor plays loud music. Also people in the West expect Israel to put up with neighbors that rape and kil them and plan their extermination.
Women who its difficult for that their husbands are in Miluim Reserves should just have them go to the local mosque and screen Shema Yisrael and they’ll get sent home quick!