July is our “Fireworks, We’re Lit” month, and today we look at people in the Bible who took time to help others and the significant impact they had on their lives.
1. The Good Samaritan
When we talk about helping others, there’s no bible story more famous than the Parable of the Good Samaritan.
The story of a Samaritan who helped a Jew who was beaten and left to die on the side of the road. The most compelling part of this story is that, in Jesus’ time, Jews and Samaritans are sworn enemies. Yet, as the story tells us, among all the people who passed by the dying man, only the Samaritan stopped and helped. He didn’t care that the dying man was a Jew. Instead, he only saw a fellow human being who was in great need of help.
This Parable tells us that kindness has no race or borders. If someone is in need and we are in a position to extend help, we should.
2. Moses and the Pharaoh’s Daughter
Moses was born at a time when there was much fear among Egyptians that the Israelites might one day rise up against them. So the king of Egypt ordered that all baby boys born to a Hebrew mother must be killed.
To save his life, Moses’ mother put him in a basket and allowed the basket to float down the Nile river. At that moment, one of Pharaoh’s daughters was taking a bath in the river. When she saw the floating basket, she asked one of her servants to pluck it from the water.
Upon opening the basket, she saw that it was a Hebrew baby. Knowing full well the danger he was in, she took pity on Moses and decided to adopt him. And that’s how Moses grew up in the court of the Egyptian king.
Just like the parable of the good Samaritan, Moses’ adoption story proves that kindness transcends race. The Egyptian princess may not have known it at that time but her act of kindness eventually saved an entire nation.
3. Jonathan and David
Israelite king Saul’s son, Jonathan and David became good friends and even made an oath to protect each other.
But when David killed the giant Goliath, the people started singing him praise. This triggered intense jealousy in Saul. He tried to kill David twice but failed. Instead of being killed, David won battle after battle.
When Saul heard about this, he ordered his men to kill David. When his son Jonathan heard about this, he warned David and he was able to escape.
Upon learning about what his son did, Saul exploded. In his anger, Saul almost killed his son but Jonathan did not falter. He protected David even if it meant going against his father.
Jonathan and David’s story tells us that helping others requires great sacrifices. Sometimes, you just have to do what your conscience tells you is right no matter what it may cost.
4. Joseph
As a young man, Joseph was sold by his brothers to slave traders. He was then sold to a master in Egypt who sent him to prison for a crime he didn’t do. But because of it, he had the opportunity to interpret the Pharaoh’s dream.
Heeding the interpretation and his proposal, the king appointed Joseph governor of all Egypt – second only to him. And so Egypt was saved from the famine that struck most of the surrounding lands.
One day, his brothers who sold him came to Egypt desperate for food as their land had been hit by the famine too. They did not recognize Joseph at first but Joseph recognized his brothers immediately.
Despite what they did to him, Joseph helped them by giving them food and even letting them bring their families to Egypt to escape the famine in their homeland.
Joseph’s story is a powerful example of forgiveness and kindness. After everything he went through because of them, he could have refused to help his brothers. Yet, he didn’t. He helped them because he knew they’d starve if he didn’t. And that’s how helping others should be. We should not think about what will happen if we help those in need but rather what will happen if we don’t.
5. Jesus and the Tax Collector
In Jesus’ time, tax collectors were considered some of the most sinful people that ever walked the earth. They took bribes and would often line their pockets at the expense of the people. Zaccheus was one of those people.
Upon hearing that Jesus was coming to their city to preach, Zaccheus was very curious. Since he was small, he climbed a tree to get a better view of Jesus over the crowds lining up to meet him. Jesus noticed him and told him that for that day, he would stay at his house.
When the crowds heard about it, they muttered about why Jesus would dine with a sinner.
Hearing this, Zaccheus said to Jesus that he would give half his possessions to the poor.
Jesus was pleased to hear this and he declared that on that day, salvation had come to Zaccheus’ house.
The simple act of Jesus expressing his desire to dine with Zaccheus helped him. He was a sinner and the people most likely didn’t treat him well. But Jesus accepted him for who he was, regardless of his faults. That is the most powerful thing we can do for someone. Sometimes, that’s all a person ever really needs.
All of these stories are important to remind us about why we need to help others in our daily lives. To God Be The Glory as we strive to build each other up by always lending a helping hand.
Sister Cathy Black