Brenda Novak Newsletter

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As a thank you for joining my mailing list, I'd like to give you a free digital copy of the darling Taste Book my daughter created containing all my favorite dessert recipes. You can download it right here:

Taste Book
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Brenda Novak's Book Group
50+ commemorative pin

Brenda Novak's Book Group

I would also like to invite you to join my online book group on Facebook. Brenda Novak's Book Group has more than 25,000 avid readers. We have a great time together and do a lot of fun things — like our book buddy program, our Brenda Novak Book Boxes, our Brenda Novak Reading Challenges, our 50+ commemorative pin, our monthly book group meetings (online) and other events that are in person, our Tuesday Night Game Nights, etc. You can check it all out and join here:

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I would love to receive any feedback you have, so feel free to reach out to me anytime!

Love, Brenda
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Brenda Novak, Inc.

5875 Pacific St Suite B1, Rocklin
United States
