The Japanese term, Homyo
means Dharma Name. A Homyo is conferred upon ministers by the Gomonshu who is the spiritual leader of Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha denomination on the occasion of their Doshiki, or their initial ordination ceremony.
For lay people, it is also given by the Gomonshu on the occasion of Kikyōshiki, or Confirmation Ceremony. The Dharma Name is personally selected by the Gomonshu from the Jodo Shinshu scriptures. In the Buddhist Churches of America, a Homyo is given by the Bishop on the occasion of Kieshiki or Affirmation Ceremony. The Dharma Name given by the Bishop is often selected by a resident minister based on the favorite word or character from the Dharma chosen by the recipient.
In the time of Shakyamuni Buddha, one was allowed to join in the Sangha by taking refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha for guidance. Buddha refers to Shakyamuni Buddha, Dharma to Shakyamuni Buddha’s Teaching, and Sangha to the community of fellow followers who have entrusted themselves to Shakyamuni Buddha and his teaching. To receive a Homyo means that one becomes a disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha. This is why a Homyo is preceded by the word Shaku followed by two Chinese characters which embody the essence of the Buddha’s Teachings. Shaku means becoming a disciple of Shakyamuni Buddha. In other words, one joins in the Shakya family and commits oneself to live by the Buddha’s Teachings.
In the case of our secular name (first name), there is a wish made by our parents but no commitment on our part since it was chosen at our birth. In the case of the Dharma Name, there is a strong commitment made by recipients to center the teachings in their lives. There are so many conflicts and problems occurring in our daily lives.
In Buddhism, we are the problem. We always carry attachments and a self-centered nature. Because of I myself, we have to suffer with problems. The Dharma is the answer to our lives. The Dharma is a mirror which reflects the reality of who we are and shows the cause of our problems. Shinran Shonin, founder of Jodo Shinshu, further defined our human nature in his writing as follows; “We are full of ignorance and blind passions. Our desires are countless, and anger, wrath, jealousy, and envy are overwhelming, arising without pause; to the very last moment of life they do not cease, or disappear, or exhaust themselves.”
Receiving a Homyo and centering one’s daily life in the Dharma will become a precious opportunity for one to focus one’s true nature on the Universal Truth of the Dharma and fully live with deep meaning rooted in one’s own Homyo, which embodies the essence of the teaching of the Buddha. The Dharma connection to one’s daily life will change and make one’s life meaningful and fulfilling and further empower one to pursue the path of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha.
NOTE: If you would like more information how to receive a Homyo, please email me for details at