Do you want to write a chapter for a book?
Purpose of this book:
Due in part to the popularity of books like iGen and The Anxious Generation, many parents, teachers, and therapists have come to see digital technology as a pernicious force in childrens' lives. While these books do not represent settled science, they do offer a compelling and appealingly simple narrative about why children are having such a hard time and what we, as adults, can do to help them. We believe that this fear-based narrative around children and their screen use obfuscates the rich, complex, and nuanced reality of the digital lives of children. With this book project, we hope to give readers a window into that reality. We hope to counter the dominant narrative through stories of real children using digital technology to connect with others, find their place in the world, follow their curiosity, engage their interests, and pursue their goals.
We are seeking a diverse range of stories about how children are using digital technology today. If you are a young person and you want to tell your own story, or if you have observed how the young people in your lives are using this technology, we want to hear your story.
Possible chapter topics:
How I Learned About (law/medicine/music/cooking/sports/chess/philosophy/friendship)
Using Digital Technology
How (or Why) I Use (TikTok/Instagram/YouTube/etc.)
Who’s Afraid of Candy Crush?
What I Have Gotten Out of My Many Hours Playing (Minecraft/Roblox/etc.)
My Adventures with ChatGPT/AI
Also, if you are not comfortable with writing it on your own, we are happy to help.
Feel free to reach out to