Hey ,
Happy October! Are you getting your fill of whatever Pumpkin Spice delight your heart desires this season? (lattes? cookies? scented candles?) I was offered a Pumpkin Spice ale at our local brewery last week and graciously declined. It just seemed wrong on so many levels!
Cooler weather and weird drinks aside, I've got a mind-bending scenario for you this month:
What would you do if you were sitting at your dining room table and suddenly found yourself wandering around the San Francisco Airport in the middle of the night...wearing nothing but your work duds and a pair of scruffy suede slippers?
This is exactly how our beloved Dr. Morley Scott started his TimeBlink journey, and it's how the prequel, Talisman, begins. And today, you're getting a special sneak peek at it!
That's right, I've just typed "The End" on the manuscript, and I'm so excited with the way it’s turned out that I couldn't wait to share a snippet with you. My editor hasn’t even gotten her hands on it yet...talk about running with scissors! So keep in mind that while the final version might be a little different than this one, the heart of Morley's origin story is here.