As autumn unfolds in Wayne County, the countryside showcases a beautiful transition, with leaves turning and large combines gliding over fields to harvest the crops. This picturesque scene invites reflection on the often-overlooked efforts that make such a harvest possible. One company, new to Wayne County, is dedicated to those very efforts—Scherer Inc. is excited to expand its footprint near Orrville.
Scherer Inc. was founded in 1994 as Scherer Corrugating and Machine, when founder Bob Scherer purchased an existing business in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Scherer started on a part-time basis, because he was also a full-time firefighter.
From the start, Scherer Inc. sharpened roller mill rolls for the feed and soy industry. In 1996, Jason Schiebout, current president and chief executive officer, started with the company. Schiebout, who was also a firefighter, started on a part-time basis. Working together, Scherer Inc. continued to grow in the soy market and with on-site service at feed mills.