In 2022, the Revolutions Per Minute Film Festival programmed Kathryn Ramey: White Women Are a Curse Against Their Sex in Cambridge, MA. The program came out at a time of tumultuousness, as the public sphere was filled with rage and confusion over the ruling on abortion by the highest judicial body of the nation.
We talked to Katheryn Ramey about the films in this program, which represents two decades of creative articulation of issues such as bourgeois womanhood, race, labor, and reproductive social order in the broader context of capitalist society.
With a focus on the feminist and uterus-centered pieces shown in the White Women program, the three of us developed questions and answers together to think about how the films speak to the complexity of reproductive and maternal political, biological life, and the social fabric shaped by women’s reproductive capacity.
We are pleased to provide online access to their discussion for the first time, and to include excerpts of the videos they discuss.