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Medieval Musings: August  31, 2019

"Carefully crafted with characters that will live in my mind … something new in each chapter." - S.L.

In this week's Medieval Musings:
  • Tilly & Daisy's e-book giveaway
  • Special Offer for Ashes Pre-orders!
  • History of Meceria - Part VII
  • Who is Saint Ragnar?
  • Work in Progress Update
  • Author Spotlight & Book Giveaways

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Pre-Orders ONLY - The Awakening & Into the Fire for FREE

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The Church of the Saints

Who was Saint Ragnar?

The church of the saints uses a new calendar, that of Saints Reckoning (SR). It dates from the year the ‘Great Peace’ was negotiated by the founding members, now known as the Saints. This dating system was created after the fact, by their disciples, the actual calendar being adopted in the year 32 SR. The names of the Saints are well known to all believers: Cunar, Mathew, Agnes, Ragnar, Ansgar and Augustine. Their tales have been written down in holy texts, but the accuracy of the tales is unknown, for they have become figures of legend. To begin our examination, we will look at the life of Saint Ragnar.

Before the formation of the church, when the saints were little more than mercenaries, Ragnar’s sister, Astrid, fell under the influence of a group of Necromancers. Trained in the dark arts, she laid waste to caravans travelling to the holy city of Herani. Ragnar raised an army, defeating her forces but was forced to put his own sister to death when she refused to surrender.

Ever since that time, the followers of Saint Ragnar have dedicated themselves to the destruction of Necromancers, wherever they might be found. Temple Knights of Saint Ragnar are, perhaps, the toughest warriors one might encounter, but their training is in single combat, for their order seldom goes into battle at the head of troops.

Ragnarites, as they like to call themselves, operate in the shadows of the land and, except for ceremonial occasions, wear no distinctive garb, preferring instead to blend into the local population where they serve. To the common folk, they are thought of as witch hunters, though that name can also be attributed to agents of the crown.

Daisy and Tilly decided that they wanted to give away some of my ebooks, so they came up with this new giveaway!

It's very easy. Each week they will ask a simple question that can be answered with a bit of detective work (hint: somewhere on my website).

The really great part is right or wrong, everybody who answers is entered into the draw. The winner receives their choice of any of my books in digital format, and has their name announced in the next week's newsletter!

History of Merceria: Part VII

The Long Peace

With the withdrawal of troops back to Merceria, the kingdom fell into a period of relative prosperity. There were still skirmishes with Westland and Norland, but none that seriously threatened the realm. During this time, an emphasis was put into developing better tactics and armour while increasing the presence of knights.

The economy picked up when milder weather allowed for bountiful crop harvests. The realm, as a whole, was content, and the arts flourished. The land was not entirely peaceful, however, as old soldiers began taking up the life of banditry. In response, just before his death in 642, King Ansel formed the King's Rangers and charged them with keeping the roads safe. With his death, his wife, Georgette, became queen, taking the name Queen Evermore.

During this time, the Bard of Shrewesdale, Califax, wrote his famous plays, including 'Autumn’s Twilight', thought to be his most significant work. In 643, he wrote ‘The Kings Respite’, which is said to be based on the court of Queen Evermore.

Unfortunately, this play marks the end of Califax's ascendance, for as the queen grew older, plays fall into disfavour.

When Queen Evermore died in 655, the crown passed to her nephew, King Ansel III, who had not been born at the time of her coronation.

Work in Progress Update

6 Months as Full-Time Author and still loving it!!

This week I worked on detailing out the rest of The Frozen Flame timeline and the sequencing of each book, ensuring that the flow of the larger story unfolds at a nice pace as the series progresses.

I also did some editing to Burden of the Crown, polishing up the story and tying up some loose ends so that the ARC team could start their reading of it.

Despite all of this, we still found time to go to Stratford (Ontario) to see their version of The Neverending Story, which used some clever techniques with black lights to tell the story. (The horse, Artax, was particularly well designed.)

Where to next? I’ve actually started writing Embers, the second story in The Frozen Flame series. It’s always nice to return to characters that I’ve come to know so well, and I look forward to continuing their journey.

Until next time, Happy Reading!

Author Spotlight!

Check out these featured books that are free, discounted, or new releases. These authors are returning the favour by sharing my books with their readers.

Curses of Scale: Sixteen-year-old Niena wants nothing more than to attend an elite bardic college, but when the dragon that shattered the empire awakens again she finds herself on the run, through the fey realm of Fairhome, to the city where she was born. On her trail are her...

Call of the Chosen: Sometimes the gods chose the worthy. Sometimes the gods get desperate. In a fractured world where nations rise against nations, tyrants reign and civil strife are the norm, evil god Ragnarok plans his final phase, enslaving a hidden dragon race with promises...

A throne of blood. A Mage of death. A people at war.

High Mage Shella has a choice to make. When her sister decides she wants to be Queen at any cost, should she help her? Or stop her?

Feeling restless in the claustrophobic and over-crowded metropolis of her birth, Shella is drawn to the power of her sister’s voice as she assembles thousands of their people, calling upon them to gather their possessions and follow her in a Great Migration...

Book Giveaways!

While you wait for the release of my next book, here are some great stories for your TBR pile!

- More about the world of Ashes
- History of Merceria- Part VII
- Character Inspirations

-Gamer's Corner
-What are some of my favourite movies?
-More Contests

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Happy reading from Paul J Bennett,
Author of Epic Fantasy in the Land of Merceria and beyond!

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