Personal update:
Greetings everyone!
It's been 3 weeks since my last newsletter (oops!) I've missed you all! Things got a little intense there for a few weeks with caring for a bub and then working like mad during naptime - even with the extra help! (I know some of you out there are smiling with a "told you so"). But we're past the crying peak and hopefully into smoother waters. (I can't believe how quickly time is passing!)
I think we've gotten into a good groove and emails aren't quite as delayed anymore, I'm still getting to most inquiries within 24 hours, and many of you have forgiven the typos - I guarantee my sizing recommendations are still sound, it's just my spelling and grammar that go out the window when sleep deprived 😉
Corset updates:
The TT factory is officially back up and running in full capacity, and I've been told we're almost caught up on outlying orders. It's just some of the No Line orders that are still lagging and the ~4 or so customers of mine still waiting for theirs are being updated as I get more info.
For those waiting on Glamorous corset restock, it should be here soon! We will have more Jolie waspies, Dita corsets, and more.
Lastly, those who have been on the waiting list for Polly cinchers to be restocked... I am still waiting on an answer for those! The supply chain issues and shipping delays are brutal, I'm told. I will notify everyone on the waiting list as soon as possible when they're available again!