Even in the darkest month of the year we've continued to attract new members to the club and we welcome into Banbury Star:
Adam Crisford, William Morgan, Stephen Davis, David Hubbard, Graham Furby and Larry Parkes.
Renewals for 2019 are now due for members who joined before 1st September 2018, if you joined after that date your membership rolls over to December 2019 and there's nothing more to do. Details of subscriptions are as follows;
Standard First Claim (First claim to BSCC for BC and CTT events) £20 No change
Second Claim (Second claim to BSCC) £10 No Change
Student (16-17) and senior citizen (65+) on the day of joining £10 No change
Rising Stars £0
Juvenile (12 to U16) on the day of joining £0 Reduced from £5
Membership upgrade for entire time trial season (only available when (re)joining and only for First Claim members) £25. Increased due to mandatory CTT levy rise
Subscriptions should now be paid direct to our new Nat West account and details are as follows:
Sort code = 53-61-33
Account = 65953886
As previously advised, we have now moved entirely to online banking and no more cheques will be accepted for membership or payment for club services.