Introducing Washtenaw County Conservation District's Executive Director, Summer Roberts
When I joined WCCD three years ago, I was drawn to our meaningful work and I remain continuously impressed by the creativity, passion, and support demonstrated by our team. However, despite all our effort and devotion, we would make little progress without all of you - our community. Your financial support via our millage as well as your volunteer efforts allow us to expand and develop programs and services to address the most pressing natural resource concerns expressed by Washtenaw County residents. Our 2022-2026 Strategic Plan outlines goals and objectives for how we plan to build on these achievements and we invite you to consider joining our Board of Directors or Committees to play a direct role in the development and future of the WCCD.
I relished my time as your Community Forester and I am eager to step into a role with a broader focus on advancing the services and programs delivered by the WCCD for our residents. We invite you to learn more about MIFarmLink, Michigan Climate Smart Farm Project (MCSFP), and Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP), all relatively new initiatives bringing additional funding into Washtenaw County and beyond to support farmers, increase food security, mitigate climate change impacts, and preserve farmland. I'm thrilled to continue working alongside our dedicated and passionate staff, Board of Directors, and volunteers to further our mission together. On behalf of the staff, we look forward to seeing you at an upcoming event, stopping by the office to borrow tools or equipment, or during a site visit through MAEAP or NRCS programs!
To contact Summer, email her at
Join us in welcoming our newest team member, John Scaramucci! |
John, WCCD's Farmer Programs Outreach Coordinator, is an avid bird watcher and self-described "nature nerd". He enjoys travel, cooking, and the Detroit Lions. He has spent most of his career as a zoologist and is looking forward to continuing his conservation journey as the Farmer Programs Outreach Coordinator.
To contact John, email him at
Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program
Michigan Agriculture Environmental Assurance Program (MAEAP) works with farmers and landowners to address environmental concerns and improve farm sustainability by working together through one or more of four applicable systems (livestock, cropping, farmstead, and forest/wetland/habitat). The first three systems have been combined to facilitate the MAEAP verification process on farms while the fourth system, forest/wetland/habitat, recognizes farmers and landowners for their contributions to conserving Michigan’s fauna and flora. Twenty-two systems and 14 farmers/landowners have been recognized so far this year for having environmentally sustainable operations, so keep a lookout for those MAEAP signs!
For more information, please contact MAEAP Tech Paul Buzzard at
MIFarmLink Update
Farmer Connections
Check out A new-to-Michigan farm linking website seeking to keep farmland in the hands of farmers. Part of that equation is connecting farmers.
Meet Joe Harper.
He's a tech professional and an Army veteran. He is looking to transition to farming and is seeking land to farm in the Southeast Michigan region.
For more information, please contact Jill Dohner, MIFarmLink Specialist at
Transition to Organic Partnership Program
The Michigan Transition to Organic Partnership Program (TOPP) is a USDA-funded program to support transitioning and organic farmers with mentorship, learning opportunities and resources. The MI TOPP program continues to enroll organic and "aspiring organic" farmers for our farmer-to-farmer mentorship. We now have 40 mentorship pairs across the state, representing a diversity of crops, livestock, and even meat processors.
We are looking forward to our 2 scheduled Field Days this summer, open to the public. Registration links are below!
- TOPP Blueberry Marketing Field Day July 15 in Bangor, MI
- TOPP Organic Inspection Field Day Aug 2 in Chatham, UP
Rain Barrel Photo Contest Winner: Harold H.
This spring we're highlighting the best Rain Barrel photos submitted to the RainScaping in Southeast Michigan map! Winners will receive a $10 gift card for our sales.
"One of 2 installed and used a LOT last summer and all this spring!" - Harold H.
Join the hundreds of neighbors who have installed rain barrels to save water and protect our watersheds from run-off. We offer various colors and accouterments for your rain barrel needs.
we expanded and improved the expo with new features: Nature Kids activity area, more food trucks, return of the Milkweed Giveaway, newly improved Speaker Stage with presentations, and more nurseries than ever! We put our hearts into the work, while navigating some staffing transitions, and the event was a smooth success with over 2,219 attendees!
Office Closed - Juneteenth National Independence Day |
In honor of Juneteenth, the office will be closed on June 19th. We will resume normal business hours on June 20th from 8 am-4:30 pm.
- City of Ypsilanti Sustainability Commission
Monday, July 8th at 7 p.m. at City Hall, 1 S Huron Street, Ypsilanti, MI
- Sharon Township Planning Commission
Tuesday, July 16th at 7 p.m. at the Sharon Township Hall, 18010 Pleasant Lake Road, Manchester, MI
- Salem Township Land Preservation & Conservation Board
Tuesday, July 16th at 7 p.m. at the Salem Township Hall, 9600 Six Mile Road, Salem, MI
- Northfield Township Land Preservation Committee
Wednesday, July 10th at 5:30 p.m. at Northfield Township Hall, 8350 Main St., Whitmore Lake, MI
- Augusta Charter Township Farmland Preservation Committee
Thursday, September 12th at 3 p.m. at 8021 Talladay Rd, Willis, MI 48191
Community Updates |
Other local events, programs, and happenings.
"Small Forests, Big Benefits" with Doug Tallamy |
Online Webinar
June 18th, 7-8:30 pm
Join Doug Tallamy on June 18th from 7-8:30 pm EST for a free online forum, "Small Forests, Big Benefits", exploring the planting of dense pockets of native trees and shrubs. Organized by Ann Arbor Wild Ones and Citizens Climate Lobby.
Learn more and register!
Invasive Species Training Seminar |
Washtenaw County Road Commission Assembly Room, 555 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI
July 8th, 9:45am-12 pm
Join the JLW CISMA for an "Invasive Species Training Seminar"! The presentation is designed for County and municipal staff, volunteers, and partners (with RUP credits available), but everyone is welcome! Please RSVP to by July 3rd at 5pm.
Community Success Stories |
Share your story with us!
Calling all conservation champions! We want to hear about all the amazing conservation work happening in our community!
Fill out the survey here for yourself or recognize someone else!
Fill out the survey!