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Do you ever compulsively click on all of the links and open all of the browser tabs when you're semi-anxiously avoiding a scary task? “Yeah, I’ll get started in a minute, I just have to look at these 5 websites first.” 

Then, suddenly, an hour has gone by, and you barely remember what you were avoiding, because you’re feeling so scattered?

That’s the Digital Munchies - scrolling and clicking too much is kind of like the mental equivalent of eating a whole box of Oreos, and both forms of overconsumption can make you feel icky. 

They can also creep up during stressful situations that seem to require constant monitoring of news (keyword: "SEEM" - it’s a trap!), so if you’re afflicted with the Digital Munchies, you may want to be extra vigilant about your social media boundaries, with just 15 days left until the election.

Both types of Digital Munchies involve using compulsive distraction because we want to avoid discomfort, but just create a feedback loop of more anxiety and scattered energy, which just makes it harder to focus. (I know that you fellow highly sensitive people out there get it!)

So, the remedy is reducing mental input (I’m using the Self Control app to block Twitter and Facebook today, where most of my doomscrolling happens), and soothing your nervous system however you can, preferably with less time at screens and more time getting back into feeling in your body.

I recently implemented a personal policy of no social media or news on Sundays, sometimes the whole weekend (I decide what feels right and needed each weekend), which has been so refreshing. It also, uncoincidentally, led to the return of one of my favorite analog hobbies, weaving, which feels so nourishing for my fried, sensitive brain and nervous system.

If you’re feeling extra scattered and distracted lately, this week’s episode of Being A Whole Person is full of tips that will help you support yourself by filtering out more of the noise, so that you have energy and focus to direct toward what really matters in your life and creative work. 

And, I don't want to you get more overwhelmed trying to implement a million things - gentle reminder that this is a menu, not a checklist - never underestimate the power of small changes!

Listen to the episode!

What are your favorite ways of regaining focus when you’re feeling fried? I’d love to know!

Stay well, my friends - I'm always rooting for you. As always, please feel free to reach out if I can help in any way, I always love hearing from you.

Have a lovely week! ⁠


Staying on the good side of the internet

  • When Your Task List is Overwhelmingly Long: Some good compassionate productivity advice from Zen Habits - my favorite part is the "Change how you relate to your tasks" section. I would also add that if you can let go of obsessing over just how long and overwhelming your list is, that also saves a lot of mental energy! 


• Eliminate the Overwhelm free call (30 minutes)

• Learn more about Creative Flow Intensive (1 month)

• Learn more about Creative Season (3 months)

• Buy a month of Email Coaching (discounts for paying quarterly!)

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Rebecca Hass

Oakland, CA 94611
United States

Copyright Š 2020 Rebecca Hass

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