Prayer requests from Resonate Global Mission missionaries and ministry leaders
Prayer Points

Prayer Points from ministry leaders around the world:

  • At Resonate, we witness God work in surprising and powerful ways. When the gospel changes people's lives, the good news starts to echo out. Give thanks for believers throughout the world whose lives were changed by Jesus—and who are now making a difference in others' lives.

  • On university campuses in Mexico, students can face discrimination for their faith in Christ. Pray for Resonate missionary James Lee, serving with a local campus ministry in Queretaro, as he disciples university students. Ask the Holy Spirit to work through him to strengthen young adults in their walk with Christ.

  • Give thanks for Tian, a student at the University of Alberta who received a Resonate Emerging Leader grant. Tian has been an influential leader for the campus ministry. Please pray for her as she continues to grow in her relationship with God and in her ability to connect and share her faith with other students.

  • Resonate missionaries who serve at LCC International University, a Resonate partner in Lithuania, ask you to pray for their students from Armenia and Azerbaijan. The two countries are in conflict right now, and many students have lost friends, classmates, and family members. Pray for God’s comfort for these students. Pray for peace.

  • Pray for young adults preparing to serve with Resonate cohorts in Detroit, Central America, and the Middle East. Cohorts provide opportunities for young adults to serve with a local grassroots ministry, live in community, and engage in deep spiritual formation. Ask the Holy Spirit to prepare these young adults for this discipleship experience.

  • There’s been flooding in Cambodia, where Resonate missionaries serve. Please pray for the flooding to stop. Many organizations and Christians have stepped up to help provide relief. Resonate missionaries Navy Chann-Chhay and Ly Chhay ask you to pray that those who do not believe in Christ will experience God’s love through these actions. Pray for the restoration of this flooding. It will take many months.

Your Prayer Matters!

We recently asked you to pray for a Resonate partner church plant that ministers among Muslims in West Michigan. Thank you for praying!

Three women from a Muslim background recently decided to follow Christ after connecting with this church plant! Praise God! Give thanks for these women and please pray for them as they grow in their walks with Christ.

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