Jane was about to answer when a lone figure wearing a hooded cloak entered the tavern. Something about his manner suggested a man of import, and she stiffened.
Gerald kept his voice low. "Is that him?"
"I'm not sure. His face is covered."
The newcomer scanned the room, and Gerald saw his gaze drawing near. In desperation, he reached out and pulled Jane closer, kissing her to keep their faces hidden. He held her longer than necessary before finally releasing her.
She stared back, love in her eyes. "Oh, Gerald. That was most unexpected."
He chuckled. "It's not as if we haven't kissed before."
"Yes, but here? In public?"
He nodded towards the new arrival. "I had to make sure he didn't recognize you."
"Of course."
"That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it though."
She smiled. "You're such a gentleman. How is it you're not married at your age?"
"I was waiting for the right person."
"And now?"
"I believe you know the answer to that."