Q. How did you first get involved in Shidduchim?
A. I think everyone would love to have the experience of helping someone get engaged. For me it started one Motzai Shabbos, my close friend was having a L'chaim for her daughter, and at the end of the L'chaim she suggested that I start to do Shidduchim. The next day at 12pm, an old acquaintance I knew from 30 years ago called me saying her son was in Israel and he needs a Shidduch. It turns out that there was a girl at the L'chaim that was a good match for him, and Boruch Hashem I set them up and they got engaged. That first experience gave me the push to continue. I started with English speakers in Israel and continued to work on Shidduchim after we moved to Crown Heights.
Q. What Shidduchim do you specialize in?
A. I specialize in Shidduchim in which the people are looking to have a more personal touch and that the process is a more Pnimiyus process. Whether they are living in Crown Heights, out of town, or across the ocean, they agree that this is the work of the Aibershter, and we are becoming partners, and we are doing it together, I have a role, and they have a role.
Q. What advice do you have for singles in the Parsha?
A. The time of Shidduchim can be humbling at times, there can be bumps in the road, but most bumps do not become mountains. If you surround yourself around good friends and keep yourself occupied with things that you enjoy, it will give you a positive outlook, allow you to thrive, and turn this period into a time of growth and joy.
Mrs. Blasberg can be reached at underthechupa@gmail.com