Lent begins this month and there’s a variety of things we can do on the journey to Easter. They take place in various venues with some online; there are daily, weekly and one-off events. I hope you find something that helps you follow in the footsteps of Jesus.
Lent started on Ash Wednesday (14th Feb) with an online service at 7pm led by Rev Cameron Stirk. If you’d like to share in this time of reflection, contact Cameron at thestirks@tiscali.co.uk for the Zoom link.
On Monday evenings in Bramhope (starting on 19th Feb) there are 5 sessions on resources ‘For the Journey’ – see list of topics below. This is a joint Methodist/Anglican venture meeting at St. Giles church hall at 7.30pm.
On Tuesdays there’ll be a Circuit Lent Course led by Rev. Cameron Stirk on the theme of ‘The Methodist Way of Life’ – a discipleship tool for our individual lives in Lent and beyond. In person: at Otley Methodist Church at 2pm (starting 20thFeb). On Zoom: same days but at 7pm - message Cameron at thestirks@tiscali.co.uk for the Zoom link.
On Friday 15th March (10am-4pm at Norwood Chapel) there’s a Circuit Lenten Retreat on the theme ‘Our rest is in God’. Further details on poster below or from Rev Cameron Stirk.
Stones in the Wilderness: everyday during Lent you can receive (by email) a word to reflect on at home. Contact Rev David Halstead at dchalstead@gmail.com to sign up. This promises to be a challenging and refreshing Lenten discipline. If you don’t use email, you could link with a friend who does.
Of course, our Sunday services will continue as usual so I hope there’s something for everyone.