Check out the latest happenings at Memorial.

Memorial Lutheran Church


September 7, 2018

This Week in Worship

This coming Sunday is the Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost in our church year.  Please be with us as worship God in spirit and in truth.  

  • First reading - Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23
  • Psalm 125
  • Second reading - James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17
  • Gospel - Mark 7:24-37

Worship Leaders

Acolyte - Craig Grogan

Lector - Steve Pylant

Assisting Minister - David Hall

Sunday School - September 2

Our next Sunday School session will be Sunday, September 16 as our children continue their preparation for the Great Backback Challenge Talent Show coming in October.  Please come join us at 9:00 a.m.  Be sure and come prepared to perform your talent selections so we can practice them together and  remember, parents are always invited!

Children's Choir

Lauren has graciously agreed to continue leading and developing our Children's Choir for which we are truly grateful.  Rehearsals will begin September 9 at 1:30 p.m. on each Sunday afternoon.  If you have interested children or know of any in the neighborhood, please encourage them to come and join in the fun!

September Yard Sale

We will be having our annual community yard sale in the Thomas Room on September 7-8 and 12-22.  Do you have anything you can contribute for the sale?  Do you have some free time to help with setting and pricing the items?  Can you help with the actual sale days?  Please see Joycelynn if you can help with this important outreach event to our community.

Welcome Dawn Bennett

Please welcome our new Vicar/Intern for the year, Dawn Bennett.  Dawn is now getting settled into her office and we are in the early stages of developing her work focus in the life of our church.  You will see her in all the many areas of ministry but with a specific focus on community outreach and church growth.  If you would be willing to serve on the Lay Committee that supports her and meets monthly with her, please see David Hall.

Council Meeting

Our next Council Meeting will be Sunday, September 9 immediately following worship.  We have of the Lord's business to attend to so please plan to be with us.

Worship Leadership

In the coming weeks will be recruiting and training new worship leaders.  We need acolytes, crucifers, lectors, worship assistants, ushers and altar guild members.  If you are interested in being part of our rotation in these areas please let Pastor Joel know.  If you don't, you know he is going to ask you anyway!  :)

Cleaning God's House

Since we no longer have our former tenants cleaning our church, we are trying out a period of "clean as you go."  We are asking everyone to pitch in when you can.  If you have a few minutes and see something that needs to be cleaned, "get 'er done!"  Ask if you need help finding any supplies.

Memorial Lutheran Church

1211 Riverside Drive

(615) 262-0224

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