1. Incorporate cross-body movements in your practice. They have a significant impact on your brain health and cognitive function. By improving communication between the right and left hemispheres of the brain you can improve memory, attention, coordination and creativity. Here is one of my favorite online videos doing just that.
2. Play brain games. I love Luminosity and it has a free online and app version. It's great for memory, spatial memory, speed and flexibility. My favorite apps right now are Words with Friends2 and Elevate- Brain Training. Also, crossword puzzles, word searches and Sudoku will keep the brain sharp.
3. Add core strength training and stomping to your movement. Impact on the bones, signals to them to build more bone. So next time you're out for a walk, take 20 marching steps with impact or jump at each corner. And next time you are on your yoga mat, add some dead bugs, marching one leg mountain poses or alternating table balances. Stronger bones and core reduce the likelihood of falls and improves your mobility. HERE IS A LINK TO MY YOUTUBE VIDEO FOCUSED ON CORE STABILITY AND STRENGTH.