Hi, !
If you’re new here, welcome! And for those of you who’ve been with me
a while, thank you for your continued interest. This is your newsletter as much
as it is mine, so when you reply with your opinions, comments, and
stories, it goes a long way to creating a tight-knit little community of readers. Seriously,
it’s been so much fun getting to know you!
But I’d love to learn more. Over the next couple of months, I’ll
be rolling out some exciting things that will hopefully take our relationship
to the next level. Ha! Don’t worry, you can stay comfortably seated in the back row,
or you can jump in and participate in as much of it as you like. Here’s what’s coming
down the pipe (in no particular order):
Surveys – To help our community find out what types of books we
all enjoy; I’ll be posting results in future newsletters.
Cover Critique – You may know that I’m working on my next novel,
TimeBlink: Flight 444, and I’ll be starting on the cover design soon. As a
subscriber, you’ll see early concepts and be able to vote on your favorites.
ARC Team – Want to read my next book for FREE? I’m gathering a team
of avid readers to receive the yet-to-be-published copy of Flight 444 in
exchange for an honest review. Details coming in early 2022.
AND THE BIG ONE – I’m finally jumping on the TikTok bandwagon! It
was inevitable. I mean, as of January this year, the app had 689 million active users and is right up there with Facebook and Instagram in the number of times it was downloaded in 2020.
But here’s the thing: I will NOT be dancing for you, despite being a tap dancer all my life. Nuh-uh. No way. Instead, I’ve enlisted the help of my scruffy
pup, Tetley, to share his thoughts, questions, and (often biting) criticism of
my novel, TimeBlink.
Here’s a sneak peek of the first video in the TetTok series, and I’d
love to hear your opinion: would you keep scrolling if you saw it? Or would you stop to watch the
whole 18-second clip? It’s just the raw video for now (without any of the fun TikTok effects added), but it's a good representation of how all the videos will be structured. Watch for the full launch details in my next newsletter.
Oh, one last thing...did you know there's a whole community within the TikTok universe for book fanatics? Yep, fittingly called Booktok, it's a place to find reviews, fans talking about their favorite books, and authors showcasing their latest releases. Works for me!
What about you? Do you get a kick out of TikTok? Are you a regular TikTok poster? If so, send me a message and I’ll be sure to look you up!