Look, not to be a hater, but if you rely on other peoples “ratings” before you buy your clothes, don’t read on. Amaz*n does NOT make fashion.
Let me say in no uncertain terms that buying a "slogan T-shirt" from Crapazon is NOT fashion - we don't need to know that you like yoga, or you are mean before coffee, these are things that don't need to be known… also who f***ing cares? It's not a statement.
Buying a cheap tee shirt printed by Chinazon that says "People born in December make the best uncles because they are sagittarius and tall" is NOT fashion, it's not even pajamas, it's a novel on a shirt - it's a gag gift at best. You are worth more than a $10 rag, so dress the part - it doesn't cost much to look cool these days.
Try my vision test below to see if your eyes work. Yes, these are real products.
Keep Rockin 🤘
Sam :D
*Commission Note: I get NO commission from these genuine, official Chinazon products