First Unitarian Connection |
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Sundays at First Unitarian Church |
Sunday, June 9, 11:00 am, Sanctuary
"Is a “World Theology” possible?"
Join us in person or watch on YouTube.
Noted religious historian Wilfred Cantwell Smith maintained that there’s a unity in the world’s religions, and developed the idea in his book Towards a World Theology. This unity, however, is found in the religious history of humankind, not in its theology or religious practice. What did he mean by this, and what are the implications for us as Unitarian Universalists?
Participating in today’s service:
Service Leaders: Rev. Sue Redfern-Campbell, Transitional Minister; Worship Associate/Chalice Lighter: Susan Bishop; Call to Offering: Fenton Rood; Accompanist: Steven Elkins Kennedy; Technical Support: Caleb Pinson
Child Care and Nursery
The Childcare Rooms are open from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm each Sunday morning. (10:00 am to 11:00 am for childcare for any adult programming happening and 11:00 am to 12:30 pm for worship.)
Childcare will be taking place in the nursery and attached preschool room.
Sunday, June 9, 10:00 am
Sunday Morning Meditation (In-Person)
Please join us for meditation practice in the Buddhist tradition (lower level, next to Corley Commons).
All are welcome; no meditation experience necessary!
For more information contact Lori Jervis.
Sunday, June 9 (immediately after the service) Daniel Hall
Coffee, Lemonade and Conversation
Join us after the service in Daniel Hall for coffee, lemonade and conversation.
From Rev. Sue
In the early 1980s, soon after I started divinity school, there was a movement to amend Article 2 of the Unitarian Universalist Association by-laws, specifically its statement of purpose. Sparked by UU feminists, this initiative began as a simple proposal to replace patriarchal language with something more inclusive.
Through several years of discussion, the proposed changes became more complex and comprehensive. The result was our current Seven Principles and Six Sources. You can find them in the front matter of Singing the Living Tradition
("the grey hymnal") and on the UUA website ( They were adopted in 1985, the year I was ordained, at the General Assembly in Atlanta; I was present for the vote. Since adoption, they've played an important role in local congregations, forming the basis for many a sermon series or membership class. I've especially valued the Sources statement, which affirms the creedless and pluralistic nature of our Unitarian Universalist faith.
This year, after several years of study, another proposal to amend Article 2 is coming before the General Assembly. If passed, it will replace the Principles and Sources with a statement of shared values - Justice, Equity, Transformation, Pluralism, Interdependence, and Generosity - with Love undergirding them all: "Love is the power that holds us together and is at the center of our shared values. We are accountable to one another for doing the work of living our shared values through the spiritual discipline of Love."
If I were a delegate to this year's General Assembly, I'd vote in favor of the new Article 2. If nothing else, I support periodic examination and revision of our foundational statements. Younger generations deserve the chance to shape these; after all, people born the year the current statement was passed will be turning 40 next year!
But I also think the proposed statement has merit. I like its emphasis on Love, which lifts up the Universalist side of our tradition, and its sharpened focus on dismantling racism and other systems of oppression. And I don't think it threatens the Seven Principles or Six Sources; congregations may keep them at the center of their religious life.
If you're interested in seeing for yourself, the proposed new Article 2 can be found on the UUA website under "Proposed Revision to Article II."
Love and blessings,
Rev. Sue
Adult Education Classes & Courses |
2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month - 6:00 pm
Wednesday Night Meditation
Interested in meditation but can't quite make it on Sunday mornings? Or maybe you just want more meditation? We are adding a Wednesday night session to our schedule (6:00 pm - 7:00 pm) in the meditation room in the lower level (Corley Commons).
For more information contact Larry Little.
Saturday, June 29, 9:30 am Daniel Hall
Into the Silence
You are cordially invited to join the 1UC Scissortail Sangha for a day
of meditation practice, Saturday, June 29 – 9:30am - 3:30 pm.
We will enjoy
alternating 30 minute periods of sitting and walking meditation… plus lunch
(please bring your own), and a
video/dharma talk by the beloved Thich Nhat Hanh, who passed away in January,
Questions, curiosities? Dara - 405 556-0665 or Larry – 405 510-1705 are
happy to receive your inquiries.
This event is free of charge and open to
Radical Welcoming Team (RWT) |
Friday, June 21, 7:00 pm, Daniel Hall
Pride Without Prejudice - A Safe Space All-Ages Party
Pride Without Prejudice - A Safe Space All-Ages Party
Join us for a joyous celebration of queer pride in a welcoming and safe space! We understand that many 2SLGBTQIA+ folx may not feel comfortable celebrating Pride at larger community events. So, the First Unitarian Radical Welcoming Team is offering a safe space to express your Pride and celebrate queer joy this Pride Month!
This inclusive event is open to all 2SLGBTQIA+ attendees of First Unitarian Church, their safe and supportive friends and family, and 1UC attendees who are allies of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. Come dance the night away to our vibrant Pride playlist! We are featuring a special family-friendly drag performance by Kronie Khalil Raine at 8:30 PM. Our lovely performer has agreed to waive their usual fee for our event, so please feel free to tip generously as you enjoy the show. There will be a delightful selection of hors d’oeuvres, desserts, and non-alcoholic beverages to enjoy!
While fancy dress is encouraged, the most important thing is that you come in attire that makes you feel comfortable and true to yourself.
For safety, members of the 1UC security team will be present.
Important Notes:
To ensure a safe space, please refrain from advertising this event outside the First Unitarian community.
Minors must be accompanied by a responsible adult.
Please enter through the back door with the stairs that lead to Daniel Hall, the door will remain locked and we will greet folx there. If you come late, please ring the doorbell. If you need to enter with the accessible ramp, please call or text 1UC security team member, Todd Hildebrandt at 970-210-2238.
We look forward to celebrating Pride together in our community!
UUs at Pride 2024 Celebrating 2SLGBTQIA+ Folx!
The OKC Pride Alliance Parade will be held on Sunday, June 30th starting at 11:00 am (no worship service at First Unitarian this day). To join us in walking the parade or riding in the First Unitarian trailer, we will be lining up at 10:00 am. We will meet at the parade lineup on Walker Ave., more information to come. Look for our banner or familiar faces in the lineup. First Unitarian youth will be decorating our trailer for the parade, please meet at 9:00 am.
Pride Alliance Pridefest runs from Friday, June 28th through Sunday, June 30th at Scissortail Park, click here to learn more about Pridefest and the parade:
If you want to join in celebrations and don’t want to walk/ride in the trailer, bring out your favorite chair and join the folx watching and cheering along the parade routes! All are welcome! All are loved!
First Unitarian Church is co-sponsoring the interfaith PRIDE Community Worship Service at Mosaic Community Church on Wednesday, June 26th. See upcoming newsletters for more information.
Need further information? Contact Lynn Ann Wagner for details at
On June 11, 2016, Pulse, a gay nightclub, in Orlando, Florida, was hosting "Latin Night," a weekly Saturday night event, with about 320 people still inside the club. RuPaul’s Drag Race was performing right as 29-year-old Omar Mateen opened fire before dawn Sunday morning, killing 49 people and wounding 53. Most of the victims were Latino. The shooting was the deadliest terrorist attack in the United States since the September 11 attacks, and the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S history until the 2017 Las Vegas shooting.
The Rev. Kathryn Schmitz, minister of First Unitarian Church of Orlando, Florida—just three miles from Pulse, quickly swung into action very early Sunday morning. Her message to her Congregation was “Come to church today. We need to be together.” Several members of the drag group the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence attended Sunday’s service after a congregant who’s in the group invited them.
Members of First Unitarian Church made up about half of the volunteers who helped set up for the vigil for shooting victims in downtown Orlando Monday evening, and Schmitz led the candle lighting at the vigil, which 7,500 people attended. Three miles from Pulse nightclub, the UU congregation hosted grief counselors, a blood drive, and gun reform groups.
“It had a sense of being impossible, like these things happen somewhere far away,” Rev. Schmitz told UU World. “
Memorial Garden
Are you familiar with our Memorial Garden? Established in 1987, our tranquil garden, located on each side of the entrance to the church from the Allen Courtyard, holds cremated remains and provides a place for congregants to honor and memorialize the lives and memories of their loved ones.
Beautiful slabs of granite with bronze plaques identify the deceased. The east side of the garden will be in use soon.
You can prepay for a portion of your ashes to be interred in the garden. There is a one-time fee of $275, BUT the price will rise to $300 on July 1. If you think this is something you might be interested in, send your money to the church office.
News from Befrienders
Befrienders is ready to assist members of our church who are recovering from surgeries or illnesses by offering cards of well-wishes, meal trains, transportation to church or medical appointments and visitations.
Even though the work of our church relaxes during the summer while a minister is taking time for reflection and study, the work of Befrienders continues. We may not meet in person, but we continue to offer cards of well wishes, meals, transportation and visitations. Remember that Befrienders offers short term care to our congregants and friends of First Unitarian Church.
Our Befrienders team consists of:
Lana Henson and her team of well-wishers with cards
Kathy Nighswonger and her team of visitors
Patti Kate and her team of drivers ready to help with transportation
Ginny Boykin and her team ready to provide receptions for memorial services
At First UU, we are all Befrienders to and with each other because we care about you!
First Unitarian Cares!
If you (or someone you care about in our community) would like a caring card, a ride, a meal delivered to your home, a prayer, or a pastoral visit, please contact Susan Bishop (Chair of Befrienders).
Please contact Marcia Woodward (President of the Board) or Cathy Webster (President Elect) if you need financial assistance. The Minister's Discretionary Fund is available for anyone who needs emergency financial support. In the past, the fund has been used to help cover rent, groceries, fuel, home repairs, medical costs and other needs. Allocations from this fund are completely confidential.
Requests for support from this fund have risen significantly. If you have financial capacity, please consider making a gift to the Minister's Discretionary Fund. Thank you!
June Change for Change
For the month of June our Change for Change partner is OKC Beautiful. (Garden at Esperanza Elementary)
Their Mission: is to lead Oklahoma City’s beautification and environmental stewardship through collaboration, education, and advocacy.
Their Vision: Oklahoma City is a vibrant community where citizens practice environmentally sustainable lifestyles and nurture economic growth through our programs.
Commentary: While summer is quickly approaching and yes, our church allows our minister to have the summer off for study, reflection and rest, the work of justice seeking and justice making continues for all our teams. The teams may not meet as often during summer months, but the work of justice continues.
We hope that you will take this summer to think and reflect on the various justice issues happening in all our lives, from voting restrictions to bans on drag queens and books, losing our bodily autonomy to injustices in our communities based on ethnicity and culture. If you are concerned, there is a way to help. Join one of our Justice Teams when our church in-gathers in September. If you don’t particularly care for sitting in meetings, that’s okay because the work of justice doesn’t happen in meetings. There are projects for everyone.
Join the struggle for “justice for all” as it says in our Pledge of Allegiance. Susan Bishop, Social Justice Council Facilitator
CHANGE FOR CHANGE: Our April Change for Change partner, Juneteenth on the East, received $1,041.00 from our offering plates. Thank you for your generosity. Our Change for Change Partner for May is Oklahoma City Beautiful for Esperanza School. This program advocates and teaches children about sustainable gardening and environmental issues. We hope you will give generously.
NEWS FROM UUSC: Dear Fellow Congregants, I hope this message finds you well and filled with the spirit of compassion and justice. As your UUSC Congregational Liaison, I am thrilled to share an exciting update from the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee.
Each year, UUSC’s Annual Fund harnesses the collective power of giving to help create a better world. If you believe a more equitable world is possible — where everyone has a place to call home and thrive there — please give now while your generosity can double in impact!
I also want to draw your attention to a thought-provoking blog post by Jessica Sapalio, UUSC CAPAS Coordinator, titled "Living Our Love in the World: Accompaniment as Antidote to Fascism." In this piece, Jessica explores ten ways we can identify fascism and offers insights on how we can effectively combat it through solidarity and collective action.
Your continued support empowers UUSC to lift up solutions from grassroots partners, a cornerstone of our innovative model of human rights work. Together, we are making a tangible difference in the lives of marginalized communities worldwide.
Thank you for your unwavering commitment to justice and for working in solidarity with those whose voices are often silenced. Your support is truly invaluable.
In solidarity,
Lana Henson
UUSC Congregational Liaison
NEWS FROM RACIAL JUSTICE: Juneteenth is the celebration begun in Texas, when slaves learned they had been freed two years earlier. This year’s Juneteenth celebration will be on NE 23rd St, June 15th, where there will be live music, food vendors and lots of celebrations. Plan to attend with a group of Unitarians. Let Becky Tallent know if you’re interested.
NEWS FROM V.O.I.C.E.: Democracy depends upon the citizenry contacting their representatives with concerns, questions, and comments. How else will they know there are liberal thinking Oklahomans who care about marginalized and disenfranchised people. Contact your representative and let them know your thoughts and concerns.
June 9th 4:00 pm VOICE ACCOUNTABILITY SESSION AT FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH! An accountability session with candidates in competitive primaries for Senate District 46 and House District 88. Thus far, the following candidates have confirmed, and we await responses from others:
For Senate District 46, Mark Mann (D) and Sam Wargin Grimaldo (D). (Charles Barton is running unopposed in the Republican primary.)
For House District 88, Ellen Pogemiller (D), Paula Sophia (D), and Bobby McCollum (I).
NEWS OK WATCH: Senate Bill 36 did not get a final Senate hearing. The bill would have allowed public schools to use chaplains to counsel students.
Legislation that would prohibit corporal punishment of students with disabilities failed again. House Bill 1028 never got a hearing on the Senate floor last year; this year, the Senate's amended version didn't get a hearing in the House.
Financial literacy will be on the schedule for high school students and will include instruction in retirement accounts, credit scores and mortgage loans under House Bill 2158. Students will now study financial literacy in grade 10, 11 or 12. It was required between 7th and 12th grade.
Homelessness on the Rise: The number of people experiencing homelessness in Oklahoma City
has grown by 28% this year in comparison to last year, according to the annual
Point in Time survey. Tulsa's count increased by nearly 26%, according to data on the
Housing Solutions website. [The
Oklahoman] [Housing
First Unitarian Covenant of Healthy Communication
“We need not think alike to love alike.” One of our Unitarian Universalist ancestors, Francis David, spoke those words more than 400 years ago to describe the foundation of our unity as a religious community. To this end, we, the people of the First Unitarian Church of Oklahoma City, agree to the following:
* I tell my own story and let others tell theirs. * I use “I” statements when expressing my own views, always mindful that my thoughts, opinions, and experiences may not be shared by others * I check the accuracy of my perceptions and assumptions. * I avoid “awfulizing” negative experiences. * I say what needs to be said to the one who needs to hear it. Communicate directly with the person or group involved, instead of gossiping or speaking negatively about others in the wider community * I devote at least as much energy to careful listening as to careful speaking. Listen actively and seek to understand the perspectives and opinions of others Be curious, appreciative, and informed about perspectives that differ from my own. Recognize and honor the diversity of beliefs and spiritual paths within our community, including the words and ways people choose to express their spirituality Honor the contributions and needs of those who have been historically marginalized in the larger world and in our congregation and seek growth in our ability to be welcoming. * If something prompts anger in me, I report it honestly in a way that invites positive solutions. Be forgiving and loving when I or others make mistakes Apologize, when warranted, and seek to make amends Call on congregational resources when help is needed * I refrain from blaming and shaming. Assume that others act with good intentions Be respectful and kind in our words, tone, and body language Use email, social media and other forms of electronic communication with respect, kindness, and special care.
Note: Most meetings continue to meet via Zoom but some groups may elect to meet in the building. Please contact the meeting organizer directly if you are uncertain of the location.
- Sunday Morning Meditation – Every Sunday at 10:00 am, Meditation Room - Corley Commons (contact Lori Jervis for information - see article above)
- Tuesday Discussion Group – Every Tuesday, 11:00 am (contact Ron Wasson for information - see article above)
- Bell Choir Rehearsal – Every Wednesday, 5:45 pm, Sanctuary (contact LaDonna Hunt for information)
- Wednesday Night Meditation - 2nd and 4th Wednesday of every month, 6:00 pm, Meditation Room - Corley Commons (contact Larry Little for information)
- Adult Ed Class: "Family Systems Theory" - Thursday nights through June 13, 6:30 pm, Eddy Room/Daniel Hall (contact Rev. Sue for information)
- 1UC Voice Rehearsal – Thursday, June, 6, 6:00 pm, Sanctuary (contact Marliee Peryam for information)
- UU Book Club – Thursday, June 6, 7:00 pm (contact Steve Gryglewicz for information)
- Fiber Connections - Sunday, June 9, 12:00 pm , Eddy Room (contact Paula Geisinger for information)
- Voice Accountability Session - Sunday, June 9, 4:00 pm, Sanctuary (contact Marshal Gimpel for information)
- HRWG - Tuesday, June 11, 6:30 pm (contact Cortney Custer or Kate Elliott for information)
- Racial Justice Team - Wednesday, June 12, 11:00 am, (contact Becky Tallent for information)
- Game Night/Potluck - Saturday, June 15, 6:00 pm, Daniel Hall (contact Keith Daniels for information)
If you have a newsletter article you would like to submit please email your article to no later than Tuesday (the day before the newsletter goes out) by 5:00 pm.
In order to save printing and mailing costs and to conserve natural resources, the Annual Report will not be mailed by default to all congregants. Instead, it is available online. Please contact Marlies Grogg ( if you would like to receive a hard copy of the Annual Report.
Did you know that you can access all church policies and procedures as well as Board meeting minutes on our new website? Just go to, and click on the "members" link in the upper right-hand corner (just to the left of the Facebook and other social media icons). This will open a page that says "Protected: Members." The password is @600NW13thSt [Note: the password is case-sensitive; do not put in additional punctuation or spaces.]
From here, click on "church documents." All official policies and procedures can be found in the "policies" folder. The bylaws and Board of Trustees meeting minutes are in the "governance" folder. Please disregard the "website SOPs" folder, which is for administrative use only.
Transitional Minister - Rev. Sue Redfern-Campbell
Director of Lifespan Religious Exploration - Tim Atkins
Choir Director - Chukwuebuka ('Ebuka) G. Ezeakacha
Accompanist - Steven Elkins Kennedy
Office Administrator - Marlies Grogg
President of the Congregation – Marcia Woodward
President Elect – Cathy Webster
Immediate Past President – Marshal Gimpel
Clerk – Deborah Shinn
Treasurer – Ron Wasson
Clare Auwarter Emily Hildebrandt Lorriana Lee-Knapp Larry Little Ann Meeks Doug Vincent
Committee on Ministry
Suzanne Broadbent Lori Jervis Liz Pillar-Little John Schneider Tom Peryam Derrick Wagner