Loopring is a zkRollup layer-2 decentralized exchange and payment protocol implementation on the Ethereum blockchain. Loopring 3.6 is an improved version of Loopring 3.1, which is built on top of the same technical stack, and introduces Solidity smart contracts and libsnark and ethsnark-based circuits code.
Vanilla is implemented in three Solidity contracts where all user-facing calls happen via VanillaRouter, which inherits trading functionality from UniswapTrader. Profitable trading is rewarded with VanillaGovernanceToken ERC-20s.
Blox Staking is an open-source, fully non custodial staking platform for Ethereum 2.0. The platform aims to serve as an easy and accessible way to stake Ether and earn rewards on Ethereum 2.0, while ensuring participants retain complete control over their private keys.
Audits for Tezos Foundation
Stably’s Tezos Stablecoin implements an FA2-compatible token smart contract and draws inspiration from the CENTRE Fiat Token and other similar contracts.
Kolibri Smart Contracts on Tezos can be used to issue kUSD, a trustless, algorithmic stablecoin that is built on Collateralized Debt Positions of XTZ implementing the FA1.2 Standard.
QuipuSwap Smart Contracts aim to allow users to add their tokens to exchange, invest liquidity, and potentially make a profit in a fully decentralized way.
In order to increase the transparency of our processes, we have compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions for our Security Consulting work. The FAQs page provides details about our services, including:
An Overview of Our Services,
Planning and Preparing for a Security Audit,
Responding to and Managing the Findings.
We will continue to update the FAQs over time and invite you to schedule a call or email us at consulting@leastauthority.com if you would like to learn more about our services.
“To what extent should one trust a statement that a program is free of Trojan horses? Perhaps it is more important to trust the people who wrote the software.”
Similar to a book club, our “Paper Club” is a periodic meeting where we discuss a paper as a team. Sometimes it's a new paper, sometimes an older one.