News and Information for LearnIT2teach participants

June 29, 2021 - Issue #110

Project News

Missed a webinar? PD over the Summer break?
... Since September 2020, more than 30 webinars have been delivered live, then saved to our webinar archive. That archive is now available on the project portal ...

Avenue Summer Upgrades
We anticipate the following updates to Avenue for September:
- the Class Register will enable teachers to edit their learners' accounts, reset passwords, etc.
- improved artifact management, including an inventory page
- improvements to the ePortfolio auto collection
You can keep up-to-date on Avenue development on the Avenue Development Overview page.

Tutela-Avenue Single Sign-in
This feature is now available. Work has started on seamlessly integrating Tutela resource collection with Avenue courses. This will be available in the Autumn of 2021.

Web News

How COVID-19 is ending the stigma of online learning
Soon after the COVID-19 pandemic struck, brick-and-mortar schools around the globe scrambled to bring their courses online. The result wasn’t just an overnight transformation for traditional institutions – it was the single largest boost in online learning participation. ...

Citizenship oath sworn by new Canadians now recognizes Indigenous rights
New Canadians are now swearing a revised oath of citizenship that recognizes Indigenous rights, but are still studying the old citizenship guide that the Truth and Reconciliation Commission also recommended be revised.

HRPS' virtual emergency services introduction for newcomers now available
Emergency Services Introduction for New Canadians (ESINC) program is now available virtually for all new immigrants in Halton. The Halton Regional Police Service (HRPS) introduced a series of videos on their website last week for newcomers whose knowledge of public safety or emergency services may be limited. ...

5 Learning Gains Made During the Pandemic
Despite the hardships of pandemic learning there have been bright spots and even many learning gains, say educators. While the potential for learning loss is very real, simply comparing students' scores this year to previous years doesn’t tell the whole story and ignores the difficult but also rich life experiences students have had over the past 15 months. ...

Online learning will be a bigger priority post-pandemic, college officials say
More than three-quarters of college chief online officers believe their institutions' online undergraduate enrollment will increase as a result of switching to remote learning during the pandemic. ... The survey suggests the move to remote learning in 2020 will bring lasting changes to higher education, ...

Distance Learning Tools That Teachers and Students Hope Become the Norm
When distance learning necessitated a reliance on technology, many teachers began experimenting with digital tools. From the student perspective, experiences were mixed. Some appreciated the new opportunities created by these technologies, especially in contrast to some limitations of in-person learning. ...

Yukonomist: The future of education in the North
... The pandemic has unleashed a wave of involuntary innovation in education. And this has big implications for learners in the North. ... Some of this activity will fade away once vaccines enable in-person learning. But much of it will endure because it offers students real benefits. Students in the Yukon and around the world are trying to prepare themselves to thrive in a world that is rapidly changing. Consider just three of the megatrends sweeping the planet. ...


Brighter futures: Is a new format for language schools on the horizon?
Nik Peachey, technology education expert, here considers the strengths and weaknesses of physical vs online language schools.. ... Over the last two decades it has seemed that ELT has been almost immune to disruption from technological innovation. ... Like so many other industries, change has come suddenly and irrevocably.

3 Keys To Effective Adult Online Instruction
...  For those with a history of effective in-person instruction, there is no guarantee that your effectiveness will carry over into remote instruction. Such a cyber-shift requires attention to detail, including the willingness to let go of what worked face-to-face and to implement new techniques. In making this transition, here are 3 crucial elements that should be part of any instructor’s repertoire:

PBLA Assessments in Remote ESL Classes
... Online English teaching has imposed new challenges, and opened new opportunities in assessing student progress. Based on my experience, how you apply PBLA assessments depends on whether you are using synchronous or asynchronous online teaching. PBLA assessments can be conducted with some modifications in both formats. . ...

6 Elements of an Outstanding Tutorial Video
A good tutorial video is a key element to many online courses. When done right, they create an easy-to-follow guide toward accomplishing a task. And, with the use of screen capture software, tutorial videos are often a much better guide than screen shots and text ...  Here are the key elements you will need to create a tutorial video that is truly outstanding. ...

Zoom Nearly Broke My Body. Here’s How to Protect Yours
During a year of teaching over Zoom, I developed some preventable injuries and a new outlook on what it means to stay healthy at home. ...

Professional Development

New Resource in the Annotated Bibliography: From Silos to Solutions: Toward Sustainable and Equitable Hybrid Service Delivery in the Immigrant & Refugee-Serving Sector in Canada
If you or your organization have been wondering how to develop and/or transform your digital capacity following COVID-19, this report provides insights from the field, recommendations and tools for you to consider. The report acknowledges the time needed for thinking about their recommendations by using a “Now, Next and Later” framework to organize the themes in the report.

The incredible vocabulary machine
Vocabulary is the heavy lifting in learning a language. With grammar, little meaning can be conveyed. With vocabulary, anything can, in a pinch, be conveyed. Yet vocabulary has traditionally been neglected: In part for theoretical reasons; in greater part because the obvious process to learn it, item-based memorization, has seemed so tiresome and time-consuming. The process can be automated with free tools available on the web. It can be handled outside of class time, efficiently and with a minimum of dull repetition. Learning vocabulary can be easy and fun. ...

11 Edtech Tips for New Teacher
These edtech tips are designed to get new teachers started with purposeful implementation of digital tools in their classrooms to transform learning experiences. ...


Trent-ESL Instructor, Instructional Technology Coordinator
The Trent-ESL Instructor and Instructional Technology Coordinator has a combined instructional and administrative role in Trent-ESL. ...

Online ESL Teacher
Washington Preparatory School (Waprep) is a private, independent school serving grades 6 – 12, is now in the process of setting up an online English program to Chinese students living in China. ....

e-Resource Corner

 Storybooks Canada
Storybooks Canada is a free open educational resource that promotes literacy and language learning in homes, schools, and communities. Part of the Global Storybooks project, it makes 40 stories from the African Storybook available with text and audio in English, French, and the most widely spoken immigrant and refugee languages of Canada. We are also developing Indigenous Storybooks and the Global Storybooks literacy portal. Share and enjoy!

19 Days
This short documentary follows several refugee families during their first 19 days in Canada, as they navigate an unfamiliar terrain that has suddenly become their home. Located in the quiet Calgary neighbourhood of Bridgeland ...

Writing an Opinion Paragraph in Zoom Classes
This lesson plan introduces how to write an opinion paragraph in a well-known virtual platform, Zoom classes. It demonstrates effective use of breakout rooms and Mentimeter during online writing instruction.  ...

New Language Solutions Inc.


Send an email to or call 1-855-522-2221 to inquire about the training.

The links to external web pages and job postings are for information purposes only. Neither LearnIT2teach nor its funder endorses or is responsible for their content.

About LearnIT2teach
Through funding from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the LearnIT2teach Project provides LINC teachers with online tools and resources and extensive training to help them implement blended learning in their programs. Visit for more information.

LearnIT2teach News is researched and compiled by Jim Edgar