Inside of all of us, there is a reluctant and powerful giant.
The giant has been sleeping with one eye open.
With that half-open lazy eye, the giant looks at the world and complains and wishes for things to be different.
But the giant doesn't want to wake up, it doesn't want to do the real work.
The giant is a little pissed off with him or herself, and they don't want to admit it.
The giant knows it's time to wake up and kick ass, but is afraid of what that would mean, and ultimately he's scared of his own power.
So the giant makes excuses.
"There's not enough time, not enough money, not now, it wouldn't be polite, I don't know how, maybe one day, it's his or her fault, I can't, I'll wait a little longer, I'm not sure, it's actually okay the way it is, I'm at peace with things as they are."
But he knows they're all lies, because he knows that deep down he's just afraid.
For eons he's been programmed to believe that if he were to step into his own power, terrible things would happen.
He would be punished.
Others will abandon him.
Others might get hurt.
He has been programmed and bullied into believing that his power is wrong somehow, that it's the scourage of the Earth, and it better be left in other more capable hands... he has willfully given away his authority to others.
...after all, it's safer to give your power to them, lest you upset too many apple carts, right?
It is a brilliant control mechanism that turns even the strongest hero into a willing slave in a prison in which he is the inmate, the key holder, the prison cell, the guard, and the prosecutor.
The giant doesn't want to wake up because it's comfortable in the slumber.'s uncomfortable to face reality.'s uncomfortable to look yourself in the eyes and see the consequences of your own absence in your life.'s uncomfortable to stand up, speak up, and face the consequences of not having been there for yourself.
The giant knows that waking up would mean facing great discomfort, even danger. he sleeps and feels tired because it takes an enormous amount of energy to suppress this power.
...but the Giant Must Wake Up.
And the key is being uncomfortable.
Being willing to be very uncomfortable.
Very, very, very profoundly okay with uncomfortable.
Safe with speaking out, upsetting others, asking questions, being abandoned, feeling difficult emotions, and most importantly not even believing your own mind.
Through that fire, the spell that keeps the giant sleeping comes undone.
The giant stands up and in doing so wakes up other giants and reminds them of who they are.
...even if it pisses them off first.
And then things get interesting...
Beyond that, I don't know what happens, because that story has never been told.
So go do it.
Go and beat your drum.
Immerse yourself in your deepest work and your cosmic passion.
Go get damn uncomfortable, and make others uncomfortable.
Go and beat your drum.
Have the balls to be free.
Be the wild force of lightning channeled into action that shakes up your own slumber and sends rocks flying down the mountain that used to be your body.
Difficult truths will be seen and spoken.
Apple carts will be upset.
Shitty habits will meet a bitter end.
Projects you've been scared to do or commit to fully will finally be done.
Pages will be ripped out of books and pinned up on the fridge with magnets.
Priests and politicians will be fired from your mind.
Real deep friends and allies will appear.
Adequate water will be drank.
You will move.
Your body will rest and heal.
Wishful thinking will be replaced with courage.
You'll look someone in the eyes and tell them that you love them and mean it like you've never meant it before.
You will be afraid, you will be alone, and you'll love it as you'll finally have time to do the real work your soul has been craving to do.
...and you might do something crazy...
Come home to yourself and live.
PS. Book a call with me here if you feel called to work with me and want to know what's possible, and if you'd like to learn more about what I do watch this video here.
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