iMagine recently completed a successful second-year review. Both the reviewers and the EC project officer expressed high praise for the project, highlighting the professionalism demonstrated in its development, delivery, collaboration, and awareness of the broader context, including EOSC, Blue-Cloud, and the Digital Twin of the Ocean. The project will conclude in August 2025. Over the next year, the goal is to attract a significant number of users to the thematic services that have been recently opened for researchers, and also continue with the development and support for application prototypes. We will kick off in January with a webinar series that will introduce the iMagine services as well as the iMagine Competence Centre, the distributed support team that helps in service uptake. Additionally, the project has an ambitious event attendance plan for 2025, designed to ensure the representation of iMagine results at high-profile scientific events.
interTwin has entered the final year of execution and successfully demonstrated its progress during the second-year review meeting. The presentations and demos have been appreciated by the reviewer, the EC project officer, and the DG-Connect representatives from Destination Earth present at the meeting. The focus lay on the available Digital Twin Engine (DTE) components released and accessed via testbeds by the use cases. During its third and final year, interTwin will concentrate the effort on delivering the final software release and the needed integrations to finalise the Digital Twin prototypes by the user communities in the project, including the pilot under implementation with Destination Earth to demonstrate interoperability aspects. Until August 2025, interTwin plans to showcase its development in various scientific and industry events, and will release a range of outputs showing the various project activities, including webinars, demonstrations and workshops.