Hi ,
First of all, I'd like to roll out the welcome mat to all the new subscribers who have signed up in the last month. So many of you! I hope you enjoy being part of this community. That being said, if you subscribed by accident or find that my monthly bookish content isn't for you, please feel free to unsubscribe below, no questions asked. Honestly! I would never force you to stay. 😆
Now, onto the good stuff.
All right, peeps. I've been SO busy since we last connected, mostly with writing-related endeavors, but also with a fun diversion, too (more on that below).
The biggest feat was finishing Book 2 and handing it over to a team of 13 beta readers–four huge fans of the first book (shout-out to Ginny, Steph, Janet, and Dawn!) and nine complete strangers who had not read Book 1. I'm thrilled to report that both groups came back with absolutely glowing reviews! Fortunately, as much as they loved it, they weren't shy about pointing out weak plot lines, character development issues, and a couple of scenes that made their eyes roll. Suffice it to say, those parts hit the cutting room floor pretty darn quick.
Three cheers for beta readers!
After taking many of their suggestions and reworking several scenes, I was able to send my editor a nicely polished manuscript last week. And just this morning, she sent me a quick note saying that she was "loving" what she was reading.
In the meantime, I've started checking things off my To-Do list. One of these tasks is to assemble my ARC team, and I'd love you to be a part of it! What's an ARC team, you ask? Well, it boils down to this...
It's a way you can read my novels for FREE.
That's right. If you join my Advance Reader Copy team, MJ's Cabin Crew, you'll be the first to read my new book and get exclusive access to future books (and even Book 1 if you haven't read it). All I ask is that you leave an honest, spoiler-free review on the platform of your choice: Amazon, Goodreads, BookBub, and others.
Leaving a review–even a short & sweet one–helps lend credibility and gives other readers a reason to add a book to their TBR list. To learn more about the importance of reviews, check out one of my early blog posts, How to Tip Your Favorite Author.
So, if you're interested in joining MJ's Cabin Crew, click the button below. It will take you to a quick sign-up form to fill out.
If you'd rather not join the team but want to read TimeBlink, it's on sale for 99¢ until April 20 or on Kindle Unlimited until May 5.