Hey, !
Have you ever had the harrowing experience of running late at the airport – so late that you heard your name being called on the PA system?
In a panic, you sprint to the gate where you arrive sweaty, breathless and slightly woozy, blaming the long security lineup rather than your own uncivilized behavior for your tardiness.
That's been my life the last few weeks, although there was no sprinting involved, and there wasn't even a real gate. It was my own self-imposed deadline to get my second book out to the world–a frustrating journey fraught with hurdles, both physical and mental.
Some of you might remember my last update where I described a health scare that caused me to postpone my original release date. Thankfully, that eventually settled down, and I was able to concentrate enough to tackle the final read-through of my manuscript. Believe it or not, I didn't have the final-final-this-is-the-one version of my book until this past Sunday night. At long last, Flight 444 was ready for launch!
However, my dog had other plans.
Just as I was preparing to upload my beautifully formatted manuscript to all the vendors, Tetley, my 15-year-old Havanese, began to fail. He was unresponsive and refused to move. Couldn't even lift his head when we put his collar on.
Convinced he was beginning his journey across the Rainbow Bridge, my husband and I took him to the emergency vet–twice in as many days. But both times, they couldn't find anything wrong with him. It was a relief, of course, since both times we were sure he would not be coming home with us.
Turns out, we'd forgotten to book him for his joint-pain medication injection for two whole months, and he was obviously in some pretty serious pain. Two hours after his shot, he was back to normal.
That was Tuesday.