"I have no romantic feelings about age. Either you are interesting at any age or you are not. There is nothing particularly interesting about being old . . . or being young for that matter." –Katherine Hepburn View in browser
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5 quick things –
Photo of Liza sitting on a rock on a beach, posing as if she is meditating. The sun is rising behind her.

Hi beautiful friend,

I turned 41 this week, and while I used to be like, "Ugh another year older" now I am like, "Oh hey I literally survived another year!" Not that life is so hard, but because my health is so tenuous. I have this deeply seated fear of dying before I am of great benefit the world.

While that might sound selfless and giving, I have come to realize that it is totally not. It's my ego being like, "I want to be special! I want to change the world!" which, yes, is probably better than being like "The world owes me and I want to be insanely wealthy!" but it is still really wanting things to go my way. And for things to be MAJOR.

So, while I really truly do hope to live my life in a way that is of benefit to others, I also feel actual, genuine gratitude for the chance to just be alive. As my wise father says, "Getting older is better than the alternative!" (He means dying, you guys, not aging backwards. Benjamin Button isn't real. 😂)

    Okay, let's talking about your 5 quick things this week. ⏬

    cover of the book
    1. mama sutra

    I just discovered the Buddhist writer (and teacher) Anne Cushman and I am in love. I devoured her novel called Enlightenment for Idiots and immediately started her memoir: 

    Mama Sutra: A Story of Love, Loss, and the Path of Motherhood

    It is . . . well honestly, it is tearing my heart open. I have read a million dharma books, but there are so few about what it's like to actually try to live on a spiritual path. And to try to live it as a woman, and a mother, when the Buddha himself skipped out on his family in the dark of night to go try to get enlightened . . . let's talk about that.

    The book is making me completely rethink the idea of attachment and explore how maybe the great (male) spiritual leaders have gotten it all wrong.

    diamonds falling through space
    nature is amazing
    2. I made this gif for you ⚡

    I was sitting here in Miami, trying so hard to get work done, and there were these huge flashes of light out the window. 

    So I go look, and what I see was something I have never seen before: this ONE CLOUD (the rest of the sky was totally clear!) just sitting in one spot, having its own personal disco party. It stayed there for a long time, at least two hours.

    I got some decent pics with my phone and I made this gif from a few of those pics. This has nothing to do with aging, but I had to share. I suppose it's stuff like this that makes life worth living! ☺️

    (a few more pics I took that night are on my Insta) – and if you can't see the gif in your email, check it out here.)

    a group of burnt out matches against a pink background
    3. the whole 60 diet + new dreams

    The Whole 60 Diet

    Novelist Laura Lippman's 8-step plan that requires you "eat whatever you want and declare yourself beautiful." A great read.

    Changing Channels

    Women become pretty invisible after age 50. Some of them respond by going for big dreams they left behind. Here are 8 insanely inspirational examples. Like I'm tearing up even looking at the pics. Bless these women.

    pink book cover with the purple title
    4. breathe, you are alive

    Stick with me on this one: each year on my birthday, I spend some time meditating on the inevitability of my own death. It's based on a traditional maranasati, or death-awareness, practice

    But this year, my mind kept skipping past the more morbid bits and going directly to my own gratitude for my aliveness. Which, honestly, was pretty cool. Here's a very short breathing practice you can do to get in touch with your own aliveness: 

    • sit quietly and close your eyes
    • as you inhale deeply, think "today I am alive"
    • as you exhale, think "one day I will not be"
    • repeat several times, really feeling the words

    (This is also really good to do at the beginning or ending of your meditation practice.)

    pale purple background behind a woman's hands holding a blue book
    5. free meditation door hanger ☠️

    Speaking of, I have a little free gift I want to give you: a printable meditation door hanger. 

    It's based on my own little post-it note I've used on my door for years to let my family know I'm meditating. It says "MEDITATING on the inevitability of my own death" and if you have a morbid sense of humor like me you might like it.

    Download the free printable door hanger here (and share pics if you feel like it!)

    (And–if you are not quite so morbid, there are four more free door hanger designs headed your way in the coming weeks.)

    I am glad you were born. I am glad you are alive. I am grateful for the gift of your attention, and I pledge to treat it with respect. Hoping your weekend is full of the circle of life. (If that means you watch The Lion King, so be it.) *imagines a Beyoncé gif here*


    ps. There is this one song on the EFF This! Meditation shared summer playlist that I have on repeat – she's singing about the angst of being in her 20's and having all the pressure to do her 20's "right." It's not cheesy, it's actually really beautiful: You've Got Your While Life Ahead of You by IDER.


    Instagram post of a quote by Liza that says
    An Instagram post of a handwritten note on silver paper that says:
    A Twitter post that says
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    Liza Kindred

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