Hello from gorgeous cow country in upstate NY!

And boy, is it gorgeous indeed! Are you one of the many people who are considering gardening more seriously these days? We've gardened every year, but this year we're trying out the label "self-sufficient". And it's such a wonderful process, let me tell you. Here's a glimpse:

There are strawberries there, potatoes, butternut squash, zucchini, currants, and beans. What you can't see is a massive greenhouse with a bunch of other stuff too. And as the sun comes out here in the land of almost-perpetual snow, we're trying to be outside as much as possible. 

It's the time of budding, of intense growth, of new flavors, of fresh scents. And of new novels!

That's right people. Book 5 of the Raven Son series, The Throne of the Gods, is coming out this month! I'll be sharing pre-order links with you in the coming week or so. There's also a lot of fun stuff happening this month as part of my latest book's launch. I think you'll enjoy a lot of it. 

First off, have you ever wanted a closer look into the madness of the writer's process? (Because it definitely is mad). Well, here's your chance. 

Next Wednesday, June 17, at 9 pm eastern, I'm going to do a live webinar titled "7 Things You've Never Heard about the Life of a Writer". It's going to be a fun and deep dive into how I get my ideas, where my characters come from, and what inspires me as a writer. 

Want a teaser? Sure. Did you know that the idea for the whole Raven Son series came from a two-week journey from Mount Sinai in Egypt to Jerusalem? Or that one of my characters is based on an actual monk in a monastery who lives on an island north of the Arctic circle? 

And that's just scratching the surface. 

The reason I'm doing this, actually, is not only because I'm finally coming to the end of the Raven Son journey. It's because.... drum roll please... I'm going to be teaching a summer book club course on The Song of the Sirin. It's being offered for high schoolers and adults, and it's going to be happening from July 7-30. 

And there are limited seats. So if you'd like to sign up now, here's the link.

And make sure to come to my webinar on Wednesday, which will give you a little taste of what the summer course will be like. 

Thanks, as always, for coming along with me on the adventures of the writerly life. 



PS Here's the link again for the course, if you'd like to check it out.

Nicholas Kotar, Author | PO Box 607, Richfield Springs
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