It seems almost insulting at this point to carry on with the rest of this froofy little newsletter, but from a mental health perspective, I think it's best to keep a normal routine.
So, let's do this.
Since my last update, I've had a series of setbacks (might as well go all-in with the gloom and doom theme). You might recall my unbridled joy last month when I reported how close I'd been to finishing the draft of my second novel, TimeBlink: Flight 444.
However, I missed the deadline and had to postpone sending it out to my beta reading service by two weeks. A minor setback in the big scheme of things, but a setback nonetheless.
I'd been so...damned...close.
How did this happen? Well, with one chapter to go and two possible endings in mind, I reread my manuscript from the beginning to see if it would help me decide which one to use. Instead, I stumbled across several plausibility issues, particularly in the following areas:
-Police procedure -Commercial air travel -Skydiving terminology
Fortunately, I found some great resources to help me fix these potential gaffes. One of them was a Facebook group called Cops and Writers, a forum where authors can ask current and former law enforcement personnel all manner of police-related questions. It's been a godsend.
The second was my cousin, Mike, a commercial airline pilot who was happy to lend his expert advice wherever he could.
But when it came to connecting with people in the skydiving industry, it wasn't so easy.
In a bid to learn more about the sport, I contacted several skydiving companies directly. While many of these experts were super gung-ho to help out, after receiving my first round of questions, they would invariably scurry into the woodwork, never to be heard from again.
To give them the benefit of the doubt (and a chance to bow out gracefully), I would send one last follow-up email saying, "Hey, if you've changed your mind, that's okay. Just let me know."
I gave up trying after the fourth company left me dangling in the wind. ๐
Fortunately, in the world of indie publishing, it's never too late to make changes to your bookโeven after it has been released. So, if you happen to be a professional skydiver (or know someone who is) and are game to answer a few simple questions about the believability of these scenes in my story, I'd love to hear from you. I don't bite, honest!